Lucasfilm's non-Star Wars Film Strange Magic

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Lucasfilm's non-Star Wars Film Strange Magic

Post by ARNie »

So as long as it doesn't turn into another Tucker...

Move over, Luke Skywalker. It turns out that the first Lucasfilm movie to be released under the auspices of parent company Disney won’t be Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but a far-less-known animated musical written by George Lucas himself.

Lucasfilm announced Tuesday that Touchstone Pictures will be releasing Strange Magic, a collaboration between Lucasfilm Animation Singapore and Industrial Light & Magic. The movie, directed by Gary Rydstrom from a story by Lucas and screenplay by Elf’s David Berenbaum, Brave’s Irene Mecchi and Rydstrom, is inspired by A Midsummer Night’s Dream and features “popular songs from the past six decades,” alongside a new score from Moulin Rouge’s Marius de Vries.

Among the fairies, goblins and elves in the movie are characters voiced by Alan Cumming, Kristin Chenowirth and Maya Rudolph. Alfred Molina, Evan Rachel Wood and newcomer Meredith Anne Bull will also feature.

Strange Magic will be released Jan. 23 2015. ... nge-748181" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Lucasfilm's non-Star Wars Film Strange Magic

Post by cresent34 »

Sounds like an animated Mulon Rouge, if you ask me..':|
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Re: Lucasfilm's non-Star Wars Film Strange Magic

Post by Chris »

Sounds a bit like labarinth/dark crystal to me
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