Silver Sable
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- laura silverman
- Posts: 197
- Joined: May 26th, 2011, 3:53 am
Silver Sable
For those of you who have read Amazing Spider-Man 687, just wondering what you think.
- rider28031
- Posts: 266
- Joined: May 29th, 2011, 4:48 am
Re: Silver Sable
She's about as dead as Jason Todd; she'll be back soon enough.
Re: Silver Sable
or Johnny Storm, or Steve Rogers, or Thor or...rider28031 wrote:She's about as dead as Jason Todd; she'll be back soon enough.
Isn't this what Marvel does when they want publicity? Kill someone then bring them back real quick with no real consequences.
- laura silverman
- Posts: 197
- Joined: May 26th, 2011, 3:53 am
Re: Silver Sable
Very true but to be fair they kept Rogers dead for a couple years. Then again, in Cap's case, being on ice for a couple of years is equivalent to a catnap.
But I think this time it might be different. There's a revealing interview with Slott that just posted on CBR where he pretty much states that her death is gonna be permanent in the same way as Gwen Stacy (I know, I know, clones and Ultimate-verse but still.)
And Silver wasn't a major character like Cap or Johnny so there's no great impetus, sales-wise, to contrive her return from the dead.
I mean Wasp has been dead for over three years and there's no sign that they're bringing her back any time soon. Sad to say, this looks like the case for Silver Sable too.
Here's the CBR interview for those interested- ... e&id=39190" onclick=";return false;

But I think this time it might be different. There's a revealing interview with Slott that just posted on CBR where he pretty much states that her death is gonna be permanent in the same way as Gwen Stacy (I know, I know, clones and Ultimate-verse but still.)
And Silver wasn't a major character like Cap or Johnny so there's no great impetus, sales-wise, to contrive her return from the dead.
I mean Wasp has been dead for over three years and there's no sign that they're bringing her back any time soon. Sad to say, this looks like the case for Silver Sable too.

Here's the CBR interview for those interested- ... e&id=39190" onclick=";return false;
Re: Silver Sable
DC said the same thing for Jason Todd (whose death was on a magnitude closer, if not even bigger, than Gwen's). Gwen Stacey's death had an impact at a magnitude that SS's will not, she is a minor character, not even really an exclusively Spider-man character, who has barely even appeared anywhere recently. Slott (and I seem to be in the minority who think his run on ASPM has been mostly blah!) can say whatever he wants, but someday someone will want to bring her back and they will, it's just how things work. I agree I would have expected Janet to have returned by now, but I still have no expectation that she won't be back eventually (same goes for Jean Gray btw). Cap's death was a great end to Civil War, but it took so long for Barnes to don the outfit, and then he did so little of note in it once he did, that it didn't feel as long as it was. Also the way they brought him back was stupid (time bullet?????

laura silverman wrote:Very true but to be fair they kept Rogers dead for a couple years. Then again, in Cap's case, being on ice for a couple of years is equivalent to a catnap.![]()
But I think this time it might be different. There's a revealing interview with Slott that just posted on CBR where he pretty much states that her death is gonna be permanent in the same way as Gwen Stacy (I know, I know, clones and Ultimate-verse but still.)
And Silver wasn't a major character like Cap or Johnny so there's no great impetus, sales-wise, to contrive her return from the dead.
I mean Wasp has been dead for over three years and there's no sign that they're bringing her back any time soon. Sad to say, this looks like the case for Silver Sable too.![]()
Here's the CBR interview for those interested- ... e&id=39190" onclick=";return false;
- laura silverman
- Posts: 197
- Joined: May 26th, 2011, 3:53 am
Re: Silver Sable
Time bullet!!!
Iunno about Sable. But the law of averages says you're right, Erikson. But if Slott or the Marvel brain trust wanted to show some creativity (I know, not holding my breath on that, hahaha) and make it REALLY INTERESTING, here's an idea- If memory serves, Silver has a brat of a younger cousin named Anna who's probably all grown up into young adulthood now. They could have her take over the mantle of Silver Sable. Spidey could be a mentor of sorts to her or even something akin to an absentee uncle during his run-ins with her. Nah, never happen though. They probably already got another time bullet in the chamber already!
Oh, as far as Slott's run on ASM, I kinda like it although if he wanted to kill someone off, why couldn't it be Grady Scraps, the single...most...annoying character in Marveldom today.

Iunno about Sable. But the law of averages says you're right, Erikson. But if Slott or the Marvel brain trust wanted to show some creativity (I know, not holding my breath on that, hahaha) and make it REALLY INTERESTING, here's an idea- If memory serves, Silver has a brat of a younger cousin named Anna who's probably all grown up into young adulthood now. They could have her take over the mantle of Silver Sable. Spidey could be a mentor of sorts to her or even something akin to an absentee uncle during his run-ins with her. Nah, never happen though. They probably already got another time bullet in the chamber already!

Oh, as far as Slott's run on ASM, I kinda like it although if he wanted to kill someone off, why couldn't it be Grady Scraps, the single...most...annoying character in Marveldom today.
Re: Silver Sable
I dislike his run because on top of being littered with boring mega-stories (Spider-Island/Ends of the Earth) we get to see so little of Peter's supporting cast besides the weirdos at Horizon Lab. I was really interested when Carlie Copper discovered his identity and then they began working together, and she began confiding to MJ. I was really interested in seeing where this would go, but then we just get months of FF Avengers crossover comics and this recently yawner whose only noteworthy moment is killing off a C-lister character that no one was using anyway. I think Spider-man has the best supporting cast in comics (Superman is 2nd in my estimation, mostly 2nd because they are so rarely used beyond Lois), and the "real" side of Peter's life is what has always made Spidey unique and interesting. The current ASM run is just a lame Marvel Team up Book. I think people like it because the "One More Day" status quo was so's Stockholm syndromelaura silverman wrote: Oh, as far as Slott's run on ASM, I kinda like it although if he wanted to kill someone off, why couldn't it be Grady Scraps, the single...most...annoying character in Marveldom today.

Re: Silver Sable
Johnny Storm's still dead, right?
- rider28031
- Posts: 266
- Joined: May 29th, 2011, 4:48 am
Re: Silver Sable
He's alive, kicking, and being Spidey's roommate; hilarity ensues!ARNie wrote:Johnny Storm's still dead, right?
Since I'm typing this, I think Slott's run is decent but nothing particularly great. Like Erikson said, there's barely any focus on Peter's supporting cast especially since Aunt May apparently lives in Boston now and I haven't seen Mary Jane recently (is he dating her again or what?). I think the reason it's become very much an Avengers team-up book is because Marvel's pushing the writer to live up to that little subtitle they added recently, "The World's Greatest Super-Hero!" This'll probably change when that Lizard story kicks into high-gear and hopefully the series will focus squarely on Spidey and not be epic-scale stuff.
Also, techinically, we didn't actually see Sable die, it was only implied. All the other famous, or less known, hero deaths we saw, like Jason Todd blown up, Cap shot, and Johnny split down the middle but not her. I still say she'll turn up eventually, maybe not immediately but probably when Rhino shows up next.
Re: Silver Sable
[/quote]erikson wrote:I still have no expectation that she won't be back eventually (same goes for Jean Gray btw).
From my mouth to Quesada's ears
"Marvel relaunches the Marvel U" ... e&id=39525" onclick=";return false;
Cept this time Jean is a time traveler from the original X-men series before she became Phoenix. Oh well I still consider that I fulfilled prediction!
- laura silverman
- Posts: 197
- Joined: May 26th, 2011, 3:53 am
Re: Silver Sable
Congrats erikson! You get whatever the Western Civilization equivalent of a No Prize is!
As far as Marvel NOW- Ugh. What a convoluted, confusing mess this is sounding like. Just reading about it, I'm already getting a big-o pre-release headache. And sorry, Jonathan Hickman is absolutely the wrong choice for Avengers. I've always disliked his style, too pretentiously cerebral for my tastes. And if he makes Leonardo da Vinci an Avenger, I will f-ing puke.
The only bright light in this fiasco waiting to happen- Rocket Raccoon! YAY! Now you know, they just HAVE to do a Rocket Raccoon/Howard the Duck team-up! Or better yet, a versus!

As far as Marvel NOW- Ugh. What a convoluted, confusing mess this is sounding like. Just reading about it, I'm already getting a big-o pre-release headache. And sorry, Jonathan Hickman is absolutely the wrong choice for Avengers. I've always disliked his style, too pretentiously cerebral for my tastes. And if he makes Leonardo da Vinci an Avenger, I will f-ing puke.
The only bright light in this fiasco waiting to happen- Rocket Raccoon! YAY! Now you know, they just HAVE to do a Rocket Raccoon/Howard the Duck team-up! Or better yet, a versus!