A.T.O.M. (Alpha Teens On Machines)

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A.T.O.M. (Alpha Teens On Machines)

Post by Doofalicious »

I think this was on here before I think, but I looked and couldn't find it, so I'm putting it up again.

This was a French/American co-production from 2004-2007, which was dubbed into English and aired on Freeform (then ABC Family) on their Jetix block. It was about a group of teens who fought evil with vehicles or something.

The main girl, Catalina "Lioness" Leone has been restrained at least twice that I know of.

"Natural Magnetism"- Chained up, hands behind, around legs and chest, with another woman, by the villainess (the daugher of the first season's Big Bad). She's like this for several minutes before managing to escape. Starts about 14:04 (note, this video appears to have cuts, so I'm sorry if it removes anything).
https://kimcartoon.to/Cartoon/A-T-O-M-A ... 0?id=18378

"The Girls From Brazil:" Tied, hands above, to a pole, along with her equally attractive cousin. Lots of putzes though, and doesn't last very long, but she is taunted by her captor, complete with chin grabbing. Starts about 14 minutes in.
https://kimcartoon.to/Cartoon/A-T-O-M-A ... l?id=18347

The show had 52 episodes, and admittedly, I haven't seen all of them, but if Lioness had a full-treatment scene I'm sure it would've have surfaced somewhere else, so obviously that's a big no on that one.

There's probably others perils, but I don't have time to look them up right now.
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Re: A.T.O.M. (Alpha Teens On Machines)

Post by Suicide »

Two classics. I love the chain scene and Eliza was always one of my favorite character designs from that show
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Re: A.T.O.M. (Alpha Teens On Machines)

Post by DrProton »

Here's a link for the full episode: https://youtu.be/D_SHMZqc4gg?feature=shared

Anyway, hot damsel? Check? Hands behind? Check. Focus on the hands? Check. Lots of struggling complete with noises and chain-rattling? Chrck. Now this is some quality DiD.

I will check out the rest of the series later, maybe there's more. I don't believe in a full treatment but even something equally as good or even better than that chain scene would be perfect for me.


Season 2 episode 4, blonde girl hands behind her back

Season 2 episode 11, Lioness chained to the ceiling, it's short and we don't see much

Season 2 episode 16, Lioness strapped to a chair

Well, it's not Totally spies but it ain't bad, especially since the women here are almost all ridicolously hot, dressed lightly and with all the curves in the right places :D My only contention points are 1) I wish Lioness was wearing her usual skimpy clothes or tight catsuit during that chain scene instead of those wintry unflattering clothes 2) the hot, raven-haired villainess never got anything 3) the series ends with a cliffhanger which means we could potentially have had more.

Oh, before you ask, no gags for anyone.
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