Taking place between the late 19th century and early 20th century in a world filled with supernatural and magical creatures, Tsugaru Shinuchi, a half-demon, alongside servant s***uku Hasei, leave Japan and embarks on a journey across Europe to retrieve the body of Aya Rindo, who was decapitated by an unknown villain prior to the start of the series with only Aya's head as the living evidence for the journey.
Sounds like it has potential
Anyone watching Undead Girl Murder Farce?
Moderator: Suicide
- Posts: 162
- Joined: November 30th, 2020, 7:18 pm
Re: Anyone watching Undead Girl Murder Farce?
No media or link. Goes in alerts.
- Daikinbakuju
- Posts: 984
- Joined: June 15th, 2011, 4:14 pm
Re: Anyone watching Undead Girl Murder Farce?
It's available for free on Ani-One channel on YouTube and it's up to episode three. You can watch it if you live in Asia or you have VPN.