Big Fish Games
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Big Fish Games
So, this is gonna be a pretty long post but it’s my first one, so I thought I might as well put up the biggest thing I know. So, I’ll quickly explain before I put the damsel scenes I know of, so there’s context. Big Fish Games is a corporate entity that basically got big on publishing a few of its own, but mostly other studios’, games: the most popular ones being hidden object games. Over the past few years they’ve gained a pretty decent following, meaning more studios have slowly partnered with them and published their games on there, for more traction. A new game is put on BFG’s site every day, and (normally) at least once a week one of those games is a substantial Hidden Object Game created by one of the partner studios. I first discovered BFG about 6 years ago as a kid, but quickly got bored of the games and completely forgot about them till around 9 months ago, when I was browsing the app store on my iPad. That was when I realised how much of a goldmine they could be. A new Hidden Object Game every week (which include cutscenes, interactive areas, etc.) would surely produce something. And there were, indeed, results. Before I continue into the scenes, I’ll quickly explain the process of the creation of the games. Depending on the studio, a Beta of the game is released about 1-6 months before the release of the actual game (a large window, I know, but it depends on the studio). These betas can be downloaded, but I typically wait for one of three youtubers to upload a walkthrough of a beta: those being 123Pazu, Vor Bros and Games4U. The Beta covers the amount that the Demo of the game will when the full game is released, and usually ends of some kind of cliffhanger (there are many recurring themes you’ll see in these games, especially depending on the studio). Then, about a week before the game’s release, Big Fish Games will upload a trailer for the game on their YouTube channel (mind that it doesn’t say FR or DE before it, however, as that means French or German release, which basically means the game has already been released in English). Then, the Collector’s Edition of the game will be released. The Collector’s Edition is the full game plus a few extras (one of which is the Bonus Game, which is typically an hour-long extra game. These have also produced damsels). Then, roughly 20 days after the Collector’s Edition, the Standard Edition is released, which is a cheaper version of the game but without the extra stuff. However, it also marks the release of the public strategy guide/walkthrough for the game on the Big Fish Walkthrough website (if you get the Collector’s Edition, this guide comes with it, but it's much less risky and less costly to just wait). This is a walkthrough that comes with pictures and pretty much every action you need to do in the game. There is also a search option, for terms and game titles. Before you try, I’ve already tried searching ‘gag’ on it, and (since the guides sometimes word gag differently, simply don’t include you removing it, or that in the game instead of removing it separately you cut it off with the rest of the ropes) it only comes up with one damsel gag scene (one of the worse ones too) and pretty much all of the GiD gag scenes, so if you like GiD then do that (I’ll give you a clue and say that Wanderlust: City of Mists also has a GiD gag scene). Anyway, I digress. However, I tend not to use the public walkthrough anymore: First, because it takes a full 20 days to release, and second, because the gag scene might not be included in it. So, I now tend to just wait for one of the three youtubers to release a walkthrough on it and just scrub through to see if there’s a DiD scene. Also, one thing to note, is that despite the fact I’ve found a lot of gag scenes through this, there might still be more to find! Granted, I have been looking through tons of games for the past few months, but there’s always the possibility for more. So, I’d really appreciate you guys’ help. Also, some of these scenes have already been found and put on the board, but I’ll just put them on the list regardless (sorry about that). Also, I won’t be including just tie-ups on this list, as, there’s pretty much a tie-up every single game released (so if you’re someone that’s satisfied with just that, you’re in luck!). But without further ado, here it is (I’ll put the story around the scene for context and a link to a clip of the scene. Also, sorry if some of the videos have commentary over the scenes, I just went with the first walkthrough I saw, most of the time).
Off the Record: The Art of Deception – The first BFG damsel scene(s) I found, this is also the only damsel gag scene you can find by searching ‘gag’ on the walkthrough page. Basically, she’s an artist that gets abducted by this guy posing as her boyfriend. She’s first seen bound, gagged and stashed in a car during a cutscene ( 1:40). Her final scene is in a secret room in a Clockmaker’s Shop where the fake boyfriend and his mother stashed her away. Unfortunately, though bound and gagged still, she is unconscious and you’re forced to remove the gag before you wake her up, so no gagtalk of any kind ( 14:31).
Mystery Trackers: Paxton Creek – This game is interesting as it produces two scenes, but with a different woman in each one. The first scene is remarkably short, unfortunately, but has one of the most appealing tie ups that the BFG games have produced. Your commander’s daughter has been kidnapped, and after chasing the villain(s) you fall into his (their) trap, locking you inside with the girl. The whole event takes place during a cutscene, including the swift and subsequent releasing of the damsel ( ... Rvk&index= 5:32). The next scene takes place later in the game, where the main villains take a hostage and put her in some kind of deathtrap-chair-thing, which binds her wrists and gags her. You eventually free her after some puzzles and running around ( ... vk&index=9 3:11).
Phantasmat: Death in Hardcover – This game is also interesting as it offers the only gag scene with multiple people (it is a CiD, 2 boys and 2 girls). Your daughter, along with her three friends, are kidnapped by a crazy fan of yours (you’re an author). WARNING: This does have a bad ending for the three friends, but by that point they’re not bound and gagged anymore ( ... pu&index=3 1:25). The daughter gets one more scene with a dental gag in another cutscene ( ... pu&index=4 13:33).
Nightfall Mysteries: Haunted by the Past – The son of a mother who gave him a way at a young age comes back for revenge years later, tying and gagging her in a small house and then gassing said house and leaving her to die. Luckily you come in and save her at the last minute. Unfortunately, she is unconscious most of the time she is bound ( ... Vy1&index= 2:39).
Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island – Seeing as how full the books are, I’m surprised this is the only damsel gag scene I’ve found in the sea of games the studio that makes the Nancy Drew Games has made so far (not that I’ve searched many yet). Towards the end of the game your friend Kate is kidnapped by some smugglers. You find her bound and gagged on their ship ( ... F&index=21 1:39).
Sable Maze: Twelve Fears – Kind of a lame scene, but I thought I’d put it here anyway. Don’t really know the context, but this girl called Marissa is captured by some Shadows. They form hands and one holds while the other covers her mouth, however there’s no kind of gagtalk. But here it is anyway ( 3:18).
Wanderlust: City of Mists – Along with the GiD scene, there is a DiD scene towards the end. They’re all in cutscenes, and they’re not great, but they’re there. You are betrayed by one of your companions who kidnaps your mother ( ... ndex=12&t= 8:15).
Outlaws: Corwin’s Treasure – Though a small game, with quality much less than any other on this list, it’s certainly not the worst on this list in terms of its DiD. Basically, your and your wife Catherine, both historians, are invited by a “businessman” to a town regarding a historic discovery. Upon coming, you’re immediately knocked out, and she is tied up. When you awaken you see her tied up with the businessman with a gag hanging from her neck (I don’t know whether this suggests that she has already been gagged and then ungagged or if it means the developers didn’t create a version of her model bound without a gag). I’ll put in on here anyway ( ... index=2&t= 1:39). You find Catherine bound and gagged (a little pop-up for a new objective with Catherine gagged as the image comes up as a bonus) but you cannot reach her yet ( ... ex&index=2 4:40). After obtaining a talisman that allows flight, you fly up to Catherine and ungag her. However, she asks you to leave her as it’s too risky for both of them to go, leaving her tied up ( ... ex&index=4 5:01).
Harrowed Halls: Lakeview Lane – I don’t really know the context, but it’s a paranormal story where you investigate a house where multiple people have been murdered by a single killer. You seem to be looking for their ghosts. One of the ghosts, of a woman named Diana, is found bound and gagged with string and a blanket ( ... O0&index=6 2:13). Later on, once you complete a puzzle, it shows how she died (obviously bad ending): She was bound and gagged with string and a blanket, then stabbed by the killer (the actual killing is offscreen). As a bonus, it’s recreated in a puzzle soon after ( ... O0&index=7 5:52).
Art of Murder: Cards of Destiny – Once again, warning for bad ending. A woman is knocked out while leaving a car. It’s revealed shortly after that she has been bound and gagged and placed inside a dumpster. Unfortunately, a dumpster truck comes along, and the fact that the dumpster man has headphones on doesn’t help her cause, even after she takes the tape off her mouth. If you can put two and two together, you can guess what happens next ( 0:00).
Art of Murder: FBI Confidential – A scene that’s already been posted on the board, the main character is tied to a chair and tape gagged ( 3:35).
Enigmatis: Ghost of Maple Creek – Another scene that’s already been posted, a girl called Kate Burrows is kidnapped, bound and gagged by a preacher ( ... Pj&index=8 3:17).
Spirits of Mystery: The Fifth Kingdom – This is the first example of a damsel in the bonus game. You’re a princess who has to save her husband from having his soul taken over. Right at the beginning of the game, your Nanny is bound and gagged by the Big Bad ( 2:14).
Spirits of Mystery: Family Lies – Another slightly lame scene, your mother the queen has been sentenced to execution by your father, the king. She is taken to a post and bound with vines that continue to grow while on her. You manage to talk to her a bit before the vines grow around her mouth, however unfortunately you cannot interact with her again, apart from the puzzle to free her, so no gag-talk ( 7:40).
Chimeras: Cursed and Forgotten – This game’s interesting seeing as the main story and bonus story are both basically the same, meaning there’s a DiD scene in each! In the main game, you go back in time and your ancestor is kidnapped by an evil bandit. You find her bound and gagged in a room of a tower through a keyhole ( ... G&index=11 8:05). You then manage to get inside to rescue her ( ... G&index=12 0:50). Then, in the bonus game, the exact same story plays out, except in modern times and with your daughter as the damsel. You eventually find her bound, gagged and stashed away in the office of a bowling alley…?( ... fl&index=9 3:29).
Fright Chasers: Director’s Cut – Another bonus game damsel. Your friend Lisa is kidnapped, bound and gagged by an old man who wants you to get a golden-witch-box for him, keeping her as a hostage ( ... ndex=36&t= 2:03). At the end of the bonus game you return to them, and after defeating the old man, rescue Lisa. Unfortunately there’s no untying process shown, she’s just suddenly untied ( ... 4&index=39 15:25).
Grim Façade: A Wealth of Betrayal – In this game, a woman named Rosa Ramirez is accused of committing a crime she didn’t commit, and is hunted by the Fire Knight. About halfway through the game, the Fire Knight kidnaps her and stashes her in a well-like construct, bound and gagged ( 1:18).
Dead Reckoning: Death Between the Lines – You play a writer competing with four other writers for a story on a billionaire’s estate. After a murder you find a woman tied up (but only that) in the back of a car. This is when you find out that she is one of the writers, Cameron, which means the “Cameron” you met before was an imposter. You find the imposter later on (her real name is Hailey) bound and gagged inside a cell in a locked room. After freeing her she ungags herself. Another cool thing is that she keeps the gag around her neck, as it’s required in a subsequent puzzle to piece her story together ( ... index=7&t= 11:59). An extra bonus is that, on the app store, the picture/avatar of the game is the same character with a tape gag over her mouth.
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt – In this game you play a detective assigned to find a catch a serial killer, with the help of a psychic. Towards the end of the game, you find Susan tied (just tied) to a chair. She tells you that the killer has kidnapped a woman named Anna Frick (slightly forgotten who she is in context of the story, sorry). Anyway, you find where the killer is holding her and find her bound and gagged behind a locked door. After doing a puzzle to unlock the door, you take off her gag before you are knocked out, unfortunately the next time you find her she is only tied ( ... A&index=11 6:49).
Ghost Files: Memory of a Crime – In the only two Ghost Files games we’ve gotten so far, we’ve had a damsel in each! Wonderful! In this game you play a detective who has lost his memory after being trapped in a basement with a dead man by the Big Bad of the game, a masked killer. After reuniting with your old partner, getting arrested on suspicion of murder, and then escaping, your partner leaves a message telling you to meet him at the house of Mary Kelly, a woman mentioned in the titular “Ghost File” for the case. Upon hearing gunshots coming from the house, you go to investigate and discover Mary Kelly bound and gagged to a chair. After you ungag her she claims that your partner is the killer and the one who did this to her. However, once you remove her handcuffs, she runs away. You later discover, after finding your partner wounded in another room, that Mary is the killer, and tied herself up ( 0:08).
Dark Tales: Edgar Allen Poe’s Ligeia – And now we move onto the games by Amax Interactive (formerly ERS Studios). This studio is easily the one that has produced the most DiD gag scenes, along with some of the best quality games, which is a shame seeing as they’re the ones that release games most infrequently, compared to other studios. Their Dark Tales series is completely comprised of games based off of Edgar Allen Poe’s stories (loosely based would be a better term). In this game, you and your companion rush to the estate of a Lord who is getting threatening letters from his deceased wife, one of which promises his death at midnight. You get there, conveniently, at midnight in time to save him from a masked killer. However, as you talk to him, the new wife of the Lord bangs on the window for help, before she is dragged off by the killer. Upon going to look for her, you discover that the deceased wife’s tomb seems to be shaking. Thinking it may be something supernatural, you open it up to find the Lord’s wife, bound and gagged with a bag over her head ( 1:23).
Puppet Show: Return to Joyville – Starting the goldmine series that is Puppet Show, we begin with the fourth game in its series. In this scene, you unlock a door to what looks to be some kind of makeshift dungeon, in which you find an opera singer bound and gagged. After ungagging her she tells you that there was another girl trapped in with her before as well, but that she’s been taken by the man who abducted them. Shame that we didn’t get to see her bound and gagged too ( ... index=3&t= 4:06).
Puppet Show: Destiny Undone – Another scene that has already been posted onto the board, this scene contains a young girl Felicia, who is bound and gagged by a lookalike of her ( 59:18).
Puppet Show: Her Cruel Collection – One of the most drawn out damsel scenes, this game, ironically, is about a woman who requests your help when her fiancé disappears (he was abducted, of course, however does not get a gag scene, I believe). You turn up at her house only for her to be handgagged and snatched by the kidnappers, and taken into her own house. You see her being taken upstairs, and immediately after that someone starts banging on the window of one of the upstairs rooms, seemingly for help. (Obviously) It’s Marjory, the woman, who shouts for help before being handgagged again and taken back into the room, where she is tied up offscreen. After finding a ladder, you climb up to the room to find her bound and gagged. You cut her free eventually ( ... index=2&t= 3:37).
Puppet Show: Porcelain Smile – The latest entry into the Puppet Show series (and hopefully not the last!) came with the final damsel scene (I’m pretty sure) that this series has to offer. After visiting you friend, Dee, she is abducted by a masked woman. Along with her husband, Otis, you go to search for her. You eventually find her, along with the masked woman, only to find out that Otis was the reveal villain all along and not the masked woman! Otis then kidnaps Dee as he needs her to open their safe. He binds her to a chair and gags her at first, in a cutscene ( ... ndex=89&t= 13:36). You later find her bound and gagged in her(?) bedroom, tied to a bedpost ( ... d&index=90 5:48).
And that’s it for all of the scenes I’ve found from released games. Below is the only game (so far) that hasn’t been released yet and has a damsel scene in it (however seeing as the trailer for it just came out, I doubt that’ll be the case for long).
Mystery Case Files: Moths to a Flame – On a mission you discover three missing agents being held captive inside a lair (two men and one woman). One man is handcuffed, another is cuffed with another cuff going over his mouth (so I guess a gag) and the woman is bound with metal and gagged with tape ( 4:21).
Anyway, that’s all for now. Again, if anyone could help me look through old games, in case I’ve missed anything or there are games with scenes I haven’t checked out yet, I’d greatly appreciate it. Hopefully this topic will be updated pretty often, seeing as this is a regularly updating source of DiD (usually about one new scene comes along a month, though it depends, let’s just hope and pray!). Thanks!
Off the Record: The Art of Deception – The first BFG damsel scene(s) I found, this is also the only damsel gag scene you can find by searching ‘gag’ on the walkthrough page. Basically, she’s an artist that gets abducted by this guy posing as her boyfriend. She’s first seen bound, gagged and stashed in a car during a cutscene ( 1:40). Her final scene is in a secret room in a Clockmaker’s Shop where the fake boyfriend and his mother stashed her away. Unfortunately, though bound and gagged still, she is unconscious and you’re forced to remove the gag before you wake her up, so no gagtalk of any kind ( 14:31).
Mystery Trackers: Paxton Creek – This game is interesting as it produces two scenes, but with a different woman in each one. The first scene is remarkably short, unfortunately, but has one of the most appealing tie ups that the BFG games have produced. Your commander’s daughter has been kidnapped, and after chasing the villain(s) you fall into his (their) trap, locking you inside with the girl. The whole event takes place during a cutscene, including the swift and subsequent releasing of the damsel ( ... Rvk&index= 5:32). The next scene takes place later in the game, where the main villains take a hostage and put her in some kind of deathtrap-chair-thing, which binds her wrists and gags her. You eventually free her after some puzzles and running around ( ... vk&index=9 3:11).
Phantasmat: Death in Hardcover – This game is also interesting as it offers the only gag scene with multiple people (it is a CiD, 2 boys and 2 girls). Your daughter, along with her three friends, are kidnapped by a crazy fan of yours (you’re an author). WARNING: This does have a bad ending for the three friends, but by that point they’re not bound and gagged anymore ( ... pu&index=3 1:25). The daughter gets one more scene with a dental gag in another cutscene ( ... pu&index=4 13:33).
Nightfall Mysteries: Haunted by the Past – The son of a mother who gave him a way at a young age comes back for revenge years later, tying and gagging her in a small house and then gassing said house and leaving her to die. Luckily you come in and save her at the last minute. Unfortunately, she is unconscious most of the time she is bound ( ... Vy1&index= 2:39).
Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island – Seeing as how full the books are, I’m surprised this is the only damsel gag scene I’ve found in the sea of games the studio that makes the Nancy Drew Games has made so far (not that I’ve searched many yet). Towards the end of the game your friend Kate is kidnapped by some smugglers. You find her bound and gagged on their ship ( ... F&index=21 1:39).
Sable Maze: Twelve Fears – Kind of a lame scene, but I thought I’d put it here anyway. Don’t really know the context, but this girl called Marissa is captured by some Shadows. They form hands and one holds while the other covers her mouth, however there’s no kind of gagtalk. But here it is anyway ( 3:18).
Wanderlust: City of Mists – Along with the GiD scene, there is a DiD scene towards the end. They’re all in cutscenes, and they’re not great, but they’re there. You are betrayed by one of your companions who kidnaps your mother ( ... ndex=12&t= 8:15).
Outlaws: Corwin’s Treasure – Though a small game, with quality much less than any other on this list, it’s certainly not the worst on this list in terms of its DiD. Basically, your and your wife Catherine, both historians, are invited by a “businessman” to a town regarding a historic discovery. Upon coming, you’re immediately knocked out, and she is tied up. When you awaken you see her tied up with the businessman with a gag hanging from her neck (I don’t know whether this suggests that she has already been gagged and then ungagged or if it means the developers didn’t create a version of her model bound without a gag). I’ll put in on here anyway ( ... index=2&t= 1:39). You find Catherine bound and gagged (a little pop-up for a new objective with Catherine gagged as the image comes up as a bonus) but you cannot reach her yet ( ... ex&index=2 4:40). After obtaining a talisman that allows flight, you fly up to Catherine and ungag her. However, she asks you to leave her as it’s too risky for both of them to go, leaving her tied up ( ... ex&index=4 5:01).
Harrowed Halls: Lakeview Lane – I don’t really know the context, but it’s a paranormal story where you investigate a house where multiple people have been murdered by a single killer. You seem to be looking for their ghosts. One of the ghosts, of a woman named Diana, is found bound and gagged with string and a blanket ( ... O0&index=6 2:13). Later on, once you complete a puzzle, it shows how she died (obviously bad ending): She was bound and gagged with string and a blanket, then stabbed by the killer (the actual killing is offscreen). As a bonus, it’s recreated in a puzzle soon after ( ... O0&index=7 5:52).
Art of Murder: Cards of Destiny – Once again, warning for bad ending. A woman is knocked out while leaving a car. It’s revealed shortly after that she has been bound and gagged and placed inside a dumpster. Unfortunately, a dumpster truck comes along, and the fact that the dumpster man has headphones on doesn’t help her cause, even after she takes the tape off her mouth. If you can put two and two together, you can guess what happens next ( 0:00).
Art of Murder: FBI Confidential – A scene that’s already been posted on the board, the main character is tied to a chair and tape gagged ( 3:35).
Enigmatis: Ghost of Maple Creek – Another scene that’s already been posted, a girl called Kate Burrows is kidnapped, bound and gagged by a preacher ( ... Pj&index=8 3:17).
Spirits of Mystery: The Fifth Kingdom – This is the first example of a damsel in the bonus game. You’re a princess who has to save her husband from having his soul taken over. Right at the beginning of the game, your Nanny is bound and gagged by the Big Bad ( 2:14).
Spirits of Mystery: Family Lies – Another slightly lame scene, your mother the queen has been sentenced to execution by your father, the king. She is taken to a post and bound with vines that continue to grow while on her. You manage to talk to her a bit before the vines grow around her mouth, however unfortunately you cannot interact with her again, apart from the puzzle to free her, so no gag-talk ( 7:40).
Chimeras: Cursed and Forgotten – This game’s interesting seeing as the main story and bonus story are both basically the same, meaning there’s a DiD scene in each! In the main game, you go back in time and your ancestor is kidnapped by an evil bandit. You find her bound and gagged in a room of a tower through a keyhole ( ... G&index=11 8:05). You then manage to get inside to rescue her ( ... G&index=12 0:50). Then, in the bonus game, the exact same story plays out, except in modern times and with your daughter as the damsel. You eventually find her bound, gagged and stashed away in the office of a bowling alley…?( ... fl&index=9 3:29).
Fright Chasers: Director’s Cut – Another bonus game damsel. Your friend Lisa is kidnapped, bound and gagged by an old man who wants you to get a golden-witch-box for him, keeping her as a hostage ( ... ndex=36&t= 2:03). At the end of the bonus game you return to them, and after defeating the old man, rescue Lisa. Unfortunately there’s no untying process shown, she’s just suddenly untied ( ... 4&index=39 15:25).
Grim Façade: A Wealth of Betrayal – In this game, a woman named Rosa Ramirez is accused of committing a crime she didn’t commit, and is hunted by the Fire Knight. About halfway through the game, the Fire Knight kidnaps her and stashes her in a well-like construct, bound and gagged ( 1:18).
Dead Reckoning: Death Between the Lines – You play a writer competing with four other writers for a story on a billionaire’s estate. After a murder you find a woman tied up (but only that) in the back of a car. This is when you find out that she is one of the writers, Cameron, which means the “Cameron” you met before was an imposter. You find the imposter later on (her real name is Hailey) bound and gagged inside a cell in a locked room. After freeing her she ungags herself. Another cool thing is that she keeps the gag around her neck, as it’s required in a subsequent puzzle to piece her story together ( ... index=7&t= 11:59). An extra bonus is that, on the app store, the picture/avatar of the game is the same character with a tape gag over her mouth.
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt – In this game you play a detective assigned to find a catch a serial killer, with the help of a psychic. Towards the end of the game, you find Susan tied (just tied) to a chair. She tells you that the killer has kidnapped a woman named Anna Frick (slightly forgotten who she is in context of the story, sorry). Anyway, you find where the killer is holding her and find her bound and gagged behind a locked door. After doing a puzzle to unlock the door, you take off her gag before you are knocked out, unfortunately the next time you find her she is only tied ( ... A&index=11 6:49).
Ghost Files: Memory of a Crime – In the only two Ghost Files games we’ve gotten so far, we’ve had a damsel in each! Wonderful! In this game you play a detective who has lost his memory after being trapped in a basement with a dead man by the Big Bad of the game, a masked killer. After reuniting with your old partner, getting arrested on suspicion of murder, and then escaping, your partner leaves a message telling you to meet him at the house of Mary Kelly, a woman mentioned in the titular “Ghost File” for the case. Upon hearing gunshots coming from the house, you go to investigate and discover Mary Kelly bound and gagged to a chair. After you ungag her she claims that your partner is the killer and the one who did this to her. However, once you remove her handcuffs, she runs away. You later discover, after finding your partner wounded in another room, that Mary is the killer, and tied herself up ( 0:08).
Dark Tales: Edgar Allen Poe’s Ligeia – And now we move onto the games by Amax Interactive (formerly ERS Studios). This studio is easily the one that has produced the most DiD gag scenes, along with some of the best quality games, which is a shame seeing as they’re the ones that release games most infrequently, compared to other studios. Their Dark Tales series is completely comprised of games based off of Edgar Allen Poe’s stories (loosely based would be a better term). In this game, you and your companion rush to the estate of a Lord who is getting threatening letters from his deceased wife, one of which promises his death at midnight. You get there, conveniently, at midnight in time to save him from a masked killer. However, as you talk to him, the new wife of the Lord bangs on the window for help, before she is dragged off by the killer. Upon going to look for her, you discover that the deceased wife’s tomb seems to be shaking. Thinking it may be something supernatural, you open it up to find the Lord’s wife, bound and gagged with a bag over her head ( 1:23).
Puppet Show: Return to Joyville – Starting the goldmine series that is Puppet Show, we begin with the fourth game in its series. In this scene, you unlock a door to what looks to be some kind of makeshift dungeon, in which you find an opera singer bound and gagged. After ungagging her she tells you that there was another girl trapped in with her before as well, but that she’s been taken by the man who abducted them. Shame that we didn’t get to see her bound and gagged too ( ... index=3&t= 4:06).
Puppet Show: Destiny Undone – Another scene that has already been posted onto the board, this scene contains a young girl Felicia, who is bound and gagged by a lookalike of her ( 59:18).
Puppet Show: Her Cruel Collection – One of the most drawn out damsel scenes, this game, ironically, is about a woman who requests your help when her fiancé disappears (he was abducted, of course, however does not get a gag scene, I believe). You turn up at her house only for her to be handgagged and snatched by the kidnappers, and taken into her own house. You see her being taken upstairs, and immediately after that someone starts banging on the window of one of the upstairs rooms, seemingly for help. (Obviously) It’s Marjory, the woman, who shouts for help before being handgagged again and taken back into the room, where she is tied up offscreen. After finding a ladder, you climb up to the room to find her bound and gagged. You cut her free eventually ( ... index=2&t= 3:37).
Puppet Show: Porcelain Smile – The latest entry into the Puppet Show series (and hopefully not the last!) came with the final damsel scene (I’m pretty sure) that this series has to offer. After visiting you friend, Dee, she is abducted by a masked woman. Along with her husband, Otis, you go to search for her. You eventually find her, along with the masked woman, only to find out that Otis was the reveal villain all along and not the masked woman! Otis then kidnaps Dee as he needs her to open their safe. He binds her to a chair and gags her at first, in a cutscene ( ... ndex=89&t= 13:36). You later find her bound and gagged in her(?) bedroom, tied to a bedpost ( ... d&index=90 5:48).
And that’s it for all of the scenes I’ve found from released games. Below is the only game (so far) that hasn’t been released yet and has a damsel scene in it (however seeing as the trailer for it just came out, I doubt that’ll be the case for long).
Mystery Case Files: Moths to a Flame – On a mission you discover three missing agents being held captive inside a lair (two men and one woman). One man is handcuffed, another is cuffed with another cuff going over his mouth (so I guess a gag) and the woman is bound with metal and gagged with tape ( 4:21).
Anyway, that’s all for now. Again, if anyone could help me look through old games, in case I’ve missed anything or there are games with scenes I haven’t checked out yet, I’d greatly appreciate it. Hopefully this topic will be updated pretty often, seeing as this is a regularly updating source of DiD (usually about one new scene comes along a month, though it depends, let’s just hope and pray!). Thanks!
- Posts: 31
- Joined: April 15th, 2019, 6:05 am
Re: Big Fish Games
Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't want to make it long, but at the same time I wanted to make sure that if people wanted to search themselves, they'd have a good idea of how it all works. Anyway, sorry about that!
Re: Big Fish Games
Thanks for all of this. The Puppet Show scenes are quite nice.
For some of these games, can you not interact with the damsels and have them occasionally struggle or grunt?
For some of these games, can you not interact with the damsels and have them occasionally struggle or grunt?
Re: Big Fish Games
Dude provides links and time codes to over 30 DiD scenes and that's all you can post? Get a life.TLDR
- Nephenthal
- Posts: 1446
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Re: Big Fish Games
Don't be an asshole. The guy at least contributed with alerting us about DID in video games.
- Posts: 118
- Joined: January 8th, 2012, 4:31 pm
- Location: China
Re: Big Fish Games
These are great, ignore any petty abuse you may receive. I love the look of these games, I've never heard of them before. Thank you for bringing them to our attention.
- Posts: 31
- Joined: April 15th, 2019, 6:05 am
Re: Big Fish Games
You can interact with them by freeing them, though I think they should grunt and struggle on their own. If they don't, unfortunately, it probably means that they didn't implement any grunts or struggles for them. Sorry to disappoint (hopefully we'll be getting some better ones soon!)!Agemochi wrote: August 19th, 2019, 11:56 pm Thanks for all of this. The Puppet Show scenes are quite nice.
For some of these games, can you not interact with the damsels and have them occasionally struggle or grunt?
- Posts: 31
- Joined: April 15th, 2019, 6:05 am
Re: Big Fish Games
Thanks so much! I've been finding these scenes now, as I said, for the past 9 months so I really appreciate that (especially from you)!Suicide wrote: August 20th, 2019, 4:24 am Wow! Great job compiling and cataloging all of these scenes! Nice job!
- Posts: 31
- Joined: April 15th, 2019, 6:05 am
Re: Big Fish Games
No, thank you. I've been searching for DiD's in these games since before I signed up to the board so it was always gonna be my first post. Hopefully I'm not just a one hit wonderdaphnebound wrote: August 20th, 2019, 5:22 am These are great, ignore any petty abuse you may receive. I love the look of these games, I've never heard of them before. Thank you for bringing them to our attention.

Re: Big Fish Games
I actually just downloaded a couple, Puppet Show Destiny Undone and Porcelain Smile. Started up Destiny Undone and used a guide to get to the damsel part, can confirm you can just leave her there struggling and listen to her muffled grunts.Sonnambula wrote: August 20th, 2019, 8:18 amYou can interact with them by freeing them, though I think they should grunt and struggle on their own. If they don't, unfortunately, it probably means that they didn't implement any grunts or struggles for them. Sorry to disappoint (hopefully we'll be getting some better ones soon!)!Agemochi wrote: August 19th, 2019, 11:56 pm Thanks for all of this. The Puppet Show scenes are quite nice.
For some of these games, can you not interact with the damsels and have them occasionally struggle or grunt?
In the link you posted for Destiny Undone, the girl gets kidnapped and handgagged by her evil twin at the 42 minute mark.
Again, thank you so much for your hard work.
- Posts: 31
- Joined: April 15th, 2019, 6:05 am
Re: Big Fish Games
No problem, and thanks! Fair play for getting some of them. I intend to get all of them at some point, but for now I'll just continue to look and wait for more. Anyway, thanks for the support!Agemochi wrote: August 20th, 2019, 8:28 amI actually just downloaded a couple, Puppet Show Destiny Undone and Porcelain Smile. Started up Destiny Undone and used a guide to get to the damsel part, can confirm you can just leave her there struggling and listen to her muffled grunts.Sonnambula wrote: August 20th, 2019, 8:18 amYou can interact with them by freeing them, though I think they should grunt and struggle on their own. If they don't, unfortunately, it probably means that they didn't implement any grunts or struggles for them. Sorry to disappoint (hopefully we'll be getting some better ones soon!)!Agemochi wrote: August 19th, 2019, 11:56 pm Thanks for all of this. The Puppet Show scenes are quite nice.
For some of these games, can you not interact with the damsels and have them occasionally struggle or grunt?
In the link you posted for Destiny Undone, the girl gets kidnapped and handgagged by her evil twin at the 42 minute mark.
Again, thank you so much for your hard work.
Re: Big Fish Games
Great collectionsSonnambula wrote: August 20th, 2019, 8:26 amNo, thank you. I've been searching for DiD's in these games since before I signed up to the board so it was always gonna be my first post. Hopefully I'm not just a one hit wonderdaphnebound wrote: August 20th, 2019, 5:22 am These are great, ignore any petty abuse you may receive. I love the look of these games, I've never heard of them before. Thank you for bringing them to our attention.but I'll make sure to post any new scenes I find. Thank you so much for the support, I really appreciate it!
I also once posted a lot of this kind of games from the : Dark Parables serie
I still need to check some of them, have you seen them
- Posts: 31
- Joined: April 15th, 2019, 6:05 am
Re: Big Fish Games
Thank you very much! Yeah, I've checked the Dark Parable series once or twice now. I could check again, but I believe there are zero DiD gag scenes from them. Tie-ups are a completely different story though, as I said before, but in terms of gag scenes, unless I've missed something, I don't believe the Dark Parables games have produced any.yetie wrote: August 20th, 2019, 12:48 pmGreat collectionsSonnambula wrote: August 20th, 2019, 8:26 amNo, thank you. I've been searching for DiD's in these games since before I signed up to the board so it was always gonna be my first post. Hopefully I'm not just a one hit wonderdaphnebound wrote: August 20th, 2019, 5:22 am These are great, ignore any petty abuse you may receive. I love the look of these games, I've never heard of them before. Thank you for bringing them to our attention.but I'll make sure to post any new scenes I find. Thank you so much for the support, I really appreciate it!
I also once posted a lot of this kind of games from the : Dark Parables serie
I still need to check some of them, have you seen them