The Unthinkable Hybrid (2 cute OTM gag scenes!)

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The Unthinkable Hybrid (2 cute OTM gag scenes!)

Post by somedude37 »

It's funny how sometimes great things can drop right into your lap when you least expect them. That very thing happened to me last week when out-of-the-blue, I received an e-mail from a web comic artist named V.F. Wyler. He had seen my cartoon gag scenes list and expressed his appreciation, and mentioned having been a DiD fan since his time as a kid in the 70's. He also directed me to take a look at his webcomic, The Unthinkable Hybrid, in which, he said, the main female of the series, Betty Jo Carlson, sometimes pulled DiD duty. I couldn't click the link fast enough:

I have to say, I was blown away by the quality of "The World's Greatest Retro-Comic!" I don't think I've ever seen a more enjoyable webcomic. The quality and style of his art, the coloring, the story, dialogue, and everything is just great. This is really an adorable comic, and touches on so many of the familiar themes from comics of that 50's era.

Oh, and there's a couple of darn nice OTM gag scenes for Betty Jo in a few of the issues too! :D I read through the first #9 issues already, and she has two scenes so far in issue #2 and #9.

http://theunthinkablehybrid.thecomicser ... /comics/25
#2 has Betty Jo captured by the wicked Nazi scientist Von Kepler and his Soviet associates. She gets a quick hand gag and is shown white OTM gagged for a few panels on a few pages, but she's kept tied up for most of the story.

http://theunthinkablehybrid.thecomicser ... comics/174
#9 has simply one of the cutest, most adorable gag scenes I have ever seen in any medium, comics or otherwise. In a scene inspired by the Underdog episode "The Witch of Pickeyoon," (yes, I already asked Vince about this and he confirmed it to me ;) ) Betty Jo is captured in a desert by an old hag named Grubstake Gertie, who takes her for a "claim-jumper." Betty Jo is gagged with a purple OTM cloth and Gertie takes her back to her cabin. There she's to be kept tied up, gagged, and guarded by Dead-Eye, Gertie's buzzard pet. Thankfully, Rascal the rabbit, who she earlier saved from a trap, comes to her rescue and helps her escape. This scene lasts 4 or 5 pages plus the cover shot and there's some real nice panels of Betty b&g. You just have to see this for yourself because it's so freakin' cute no description could really do it justice.

Don't bother looking for issue #6. Vince informed me that he did do an issue #6, but he was so unsatisfied with the quality of that one he removed it. He said there was no DiD in it though.

Oh, and Vince and I have since been e-mailing each other discussing the comic and our love of DiD. I can't say too much, but let me just say that this webcomic could produce some more incredible scenes down the line, so stay tuned! ;)
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Re: The Unthinkable Hybrid (2 cute OTM gag scenes!)

Post by Suicide »

Fabulous find! I must agree that these are really super cute scenes! :D
As for the comic as a whole I'm LOVING IT. It really is very akin to the old cartoons of the 70's and just lovely to look at. I am now a fan and follower of this one.
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Re: The Unthinkable Hybrid (2 cute OTM gag scenes!)

Post by ghostz »

yep great scenes and well drawn too, as for the second gag scene with the eagle to take care of her is very close to the Olive damsel from Popeye ... plpp_video" onclick=";return false;
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Re: The Unthinkable Hybrid (2 cute OTM gag scenes!)

Post by somedude37 »

I thought you guys would like this one. :) It really is a wonderful comic with a great story. Vince's art style is bubblegum sweet. I told him that it kinda looked like a cross between Archie and Dennis the Menace, but that doesn't really even capture how nice it looks.

I actually meant to put this in the scans section, so it might need to be moved. Although it really is just comic art and not scans though. Wherever it fits best.
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Re: The Unthinkable Hybrid (2 cute OTM gag scenes!)

Post by scarface »

Wow, this is beyond aweseome. My english is too bad to describe how cool this scenes are. Thanks a lot for posting.
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Re: The Unthinkable Hybrid (2 cute OTM gag scenes!)

Post by erikson »

great scenes! XD I'll be following this as well
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