My Pathetic Daphne Blake Art

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My Pathetic Daphne Blake Art

Post by Torpedo184 »

As some of you that watch me over at DA already know, I've taken down all my old works due to rampant hack attempts & outright theft (but mostly due to the hack attempts). And I probably won't be posting anything over at DA for a long time as I work on rebuilding my life and paying more attention to my blogs. But as promised in a journal entry, you will get to see some of the old art on Blogger. One example is a crappy attempt at drawing Daphne Blake getting gassed (using one of the mods I created about 15 years ago). You can see that here: ... assed.html" onclick=";return false;

I'll still be writing and drawing after a hiatus from moving all my stuff to my new home. I'll also be off-line for a few days until the new 'net service is installed at the new place. Once things have somewhat calmed down & I can get back into the swing of things, I'll let on in a DA journal entry. Those that are still interested in the stuff I attempt to call "DID art", can follow the links I've already established on DA. With a good amount of luck, I should be back before Thanksgiving ;)

To all those who have rendered their support, both here & over at DA, you have my deepest thanks.

Hope everyone has a safe & sane Halloween! :)
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Re: My Pathetic Daphne Blake Art

Post by BlackClarent79 »

Hey Torpedo, have you ever thought of re-doing Daphne's canon scenes in your style? For example, you redraw the Big Scare in the Big Easy scene?

That would be something!
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