I have been considering getting into the fanfic biz on Deviantart and have been working on a few of them on and off for a while. I usually get stage fright and delete the them
But graduation and my lack of haste in finding full time work has left me with a lot of free time so I've decided to give it a shot. Its mostly GID though but I have some damsel ideas as well. My main concern is getting noticed. If no one read my stuff its a waste of time to write it. In order to stand out I was thinking of adding a picture alongside the story.
Would anyone be willing to draw a picture for me? I'm not really expecting to find an artist for free so I'm fine with commissions. The artist gets full credit on the picture of course.
My introduction fic will be called ''Pittoofull'' and its about the character Dark Pit/Pittoo getting captured, bound and gagged and used as bait for his goody two-shoes clone.