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Moderator: Suicide

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Joined: May 24th, 2011, 1:26 pm


Post by Suicide »

Hey guys. I usually keep my regular life and the DiD life pretty separate, but pretty much everyone here is pretty chill so I figure I'd plug this on here now. Some friends and I have a site called where we do Let's Plays, Podcasts, and Video Game Reviews. I'm trying to drive up some traffic and get some subs for our Youtube page.

Without getting too long winded we have two podcasts on itunes
The VideoDestruct Podcast:" onclick=";return false; (Video Game/Retro Game Podcast. Updated biweekly)
The Schmozcast:" onclick=";return false; (Pro Wrestling Podcast. Updated sparsely)

The Latest ep of the VD Podcast shares our new format where we discuss a classic game (Old Ass Game) and talk about it's impact on gaming. The first one is a game appropriately titled ONE for the PS1: ... t-cyborgs/" onclick=";return false;

So basically I'm inviting all of you guys to join in the fun if you like. It's pure non-DiD oriented fun and if you like what you hear check out our videos on youtube: ... TKoSSr2g9Q" onclick=";return false;

We are currently trying to get enough subs to be our own channel URL so if you like what you see please like, comment or subscribe. It'd be a big help, but really only if you like it for real. LOL no reason to pawn this stuff off if you're not entertained by amateur let's plays and commentary :P

We're also on Facebook and twitter. Give us a like and follow if you like what you see!" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Thanks for letting me shamelessly plug my crap! Hope some of you enjoy!
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