Thundercats 104 "Song of the Petalars"

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Thundercats 104 "Song of the Petalars"

Post by Suicide »

We used to talk about Titan's episodes and such back in the day so I just really had to talk about this episode of the New Thundercats.

After a pretty stellar opening hour special the third ep "Ramlak Rising" left me a little flat. Nothing really happened in the main plot and the main characters acted pretty stupidly. The Kids and Mumm-ra were the best parts of it but the whole thing felt so off track. But this latest episode seriously pulled me back into the fray.

The team encounters a race of small plant-like creatures call the Petalars. The story seems extremely basic until you realize the main plot point that these creatures live a lifespan of only 24 hours. This in itself is interesting but when Lion-O befriends a young boy of the race that grows quickly into a teenager, a young man, and eventually an older wise leader of his people thanking Lion-O for teaching him all his life on the groups pilgrimage.

The relationship goes through a variety of tones including, humor, shock and ends in a very touching manor. It also serves as a lesson of hope for the young lord after the adventure is over. This felt like a modern touch on the old shows tradition of Lion-O learning a life's lesson at the end of the episode.

If that wasn't enough to cap it off, we get a sweet sweet action scene at the end that is sure to satisfy all the fans of the original show. The group takes on Slythe and his battalion of troops and mechs only to nearly get over run. That is until THE MAN shows up in a familiar ride!


Yeah. Panthros back. And what a way to bring him on.
I look forward to more before the inevitable year of re-runs over takes this show!
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Bill K.
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Re: Thundercats 104 "Song of the Petalars"

Post by Bill K. »

I thought the plot was interesting. The juxtaposition of the plant creatures' short life span against the Thundercats was very poignant and it gave a gravity to the friendship between Lion-O and the boy. And I noticed it was written by former comic book author J. Mark DeMatteis.

If I have a problem so far with the show, it's the lack of depth I perceive in the main characters. Having never watched the original show, I don't have any previous conceptions to draw from and they all come across to me as enigmas. Hopefully the next couple of episodes will deal with them as individuals and as a growing team, rather than deal with someone they meet along the way. I hope the production staff isn't going to depend upon familiarity with the previous show to sell these characters, because that isn't going to hook newcomers like me.
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Re: Thundercats 104 "Song of the Petalars"

Post by mutantoverlord »

Bill K. wrote:I thought the plot was interesting. The juxtaposition of the plant creatures' short life span against the Thundercats was very poignant and it gave a gravity to the friendship between Lion-O and the boy. And I noticed it was written by former comic book author J. Mark DeMatteis.

If I have a problem so far with the show, it's the lack of depth I perceive in the main characters. Having never watched the original show, I don't have any previous conceptions to draw from and they all come across to me as enigmas. Hopefully the next couple of episodes will deal with them as individuals and as a growing team, rather than deal with someone they meet along the way. I hope the production staff isn't going to depend upon familiarity with the previous show to sell these characters, because that isn't going to hook newcomers like me.
dude, it was a seventies or eighties show. so to say, it had no real character development at all. none, notta. this new show seems ot be suffering a bit from trying to go along the lines of the original too closely, but it is going pretty strong in my eyes. it is only the fourth episode, and even if they have only twenty six, i see room to evolved the rest. they are trying to keep it in pace.
i like how they have it. episode three had liono blinded by hate and revenge for a time. he sees what revenge leads to, and so learns from that. episode four they encounter the petalers, and extremely shorted lived species, and during this time liono is having doubts about what to do and importance of life, sice he is no longer as violently motivated. it is fairly consistant. and then we see pnathro popping up to save the day.
this series is also surprisingly mature. some moments funny, some a little awkward, but while there is no blood, we see the main character strike down the chameleon lizard in a very permanent way. these guys are quite flawed if i compare them to their originals especially. so far we are seeing liono's flaws, first rage, then hopelessness. we get small glimpses of tigra's flaws too, though they have yet to get into a situation where his weaknesses are a problem. cheetara is obvoiusly suposed to be the even headed individual, but is not so wise that she let herself and the others get captured. and the kittens are thieves, and we all know that they will eventauly get the team in trouble with that. my only problem is i want to know where the hell pathro got this uber upgraded thundertank.
let us not forget about the petalers themselves. think of what it would be like, to befriend a petaler, and then realize, within the next wenty four hours, your friend would be dead. dead and faded. i cannot believe it when i heard it. thus liono is motivated to prove their standing, realizing that they did not have the time ot find an alternate route and that they had to face the enemy head on, as their only option.
let us not forget those creepy gold fish men. it is obvious that the cats would not have been their first meal of sapient flesh, creepy. i did love that sand sea mosnter. iwas expecting some cliche squid creature, but was pleasantly surprised to see a giant plant instead.
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Re: Thundercats 104 "Song of the Petalars"

Post by chris601 »

I started to like this show, but I hop there be an uncut version of it on DVD. Any why don't we wait for the show to develop a bit. I really do hop that there NOT going to bring in new characters.
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