Superted – Nuts in Space

A space ship loaded with a food supply of nuts headed for the “Planet Polly” is intercepeted by Tex and his gang. One of the astronauts on the ship goes to investigate a disturbance in the back of the ship only to find Tex is ready in hand with some rope. A short but sweet […]

Rainbow Brite – Rainbow Night

This is a show that I never really watched growing up in the 80’s. I was Thundercats sorta guy. But heres a nice little scene that I didn’t even know existed until I read an alert on a forum page. Moonglo gets captured so Murkey can erase the colors of the night…. Not exactly a […]

Stunt Dawgs – Casting Call

Sizzle is aggrivated that no one takes her seriously that she wants to be an actress while the villains notice that she is the exact double of a jungle goddess. Faking a casting call the main villain captures Sizzle to use in his nefarious plot. Sorry for the poor quality. It’s the best scene I […]

Batman TAS – Almost Got ‘Em

Probably one the greatest episodes of this cartoon series. In-depth character intereaction, comedy, drama, and lots and lots of flashbacks. But what’s the icing on the cake? Catwoman tied, gagged and on a converyor belt to her doom, courtesy of the ‘Clown Princess of Crime’ Harley Quinn. DOWNLOAD – Batman TAS – Almost Got ‘Em

Batman TAS – The Mechanic

Another classic episode of the Batman Animated Series. Focusing on the Batmobile’s super machanic. When Penguin discovers this man works on the actual Batmobile he plans to have him sabatage it. Using his daughter as a bit of insentive. DOWNLOAD – Batman TAS – The Mechanic

Batman TAS – Prophecy of Doom

One of my personal favorite scenes. Not sure why but it is. Lisa gets caught snooping by a fake Nostradamus scam artist. It’s a bit of an excessive, over-elaborate death trap from a non-supervillain Con-man… but who cares! I love it! DOWNLOAD – Batman TAS – Prophecy of Doom


Better quality of a fine scene. Caught snooping Red (Little Red Riding Hood) gets caught by the evil bunny. Then she gets tied, gagged and shoved in a cart full of explosives. All the while she is taunted by the evil bunny. DOWNLOAD – Hoodwinked (movie)

Clemintine – City on the Horizon

Not sure what’s going on but the main character Clemintine gets kidnapped by some egyptians and boated off to a huge palace. All the while she is bound and gagged. Very cute scene with some good expressions. DOWNLOAD – Clemintine – City on the Horizon