This is a digital first comic, but the printed version came out somewhat recently. It is a simple scene with a basic tie up, but it features Wonder Woman tying up Artemis (i.e. her one time red-headed fill in). The plot involves Queen Bee and some other villains brainwashing Amazons to do their bidding. Diana, naturally, stops it. ... =182857#10 (Wonder Woman uses her speed to run around Artemis and two other Amazons and tie them all back to back. Simple but effective!) ... =182857#12 (Squint and you see a hint of rope as Diana tells the police that she'll take in her Amazon sisters instead. Must be a perk of being a diplomat!) ... =182857#13 (Another brief bit of the three tied together as Diana further argues her point to a cop.) ... =182857#15 (Diana leads Artemis and the other two with shackles around their wrists, bound in front. For the record, Diana has wound her own rope around her torso and arms to protect her from brainwashing. Kinky?) ... =182857#21 (Diana is briefly captured by her mother and the rest of the Amazons at the behest of Queen Bee and Villainy Inc. Although her hands are just being held behind her back, with the ropes around her you can kind of imagine she's bound pretty well.)
For those of you who like the idea of Diana having her own ropes wound around her torso and arms, even though she is not restrained, the comic has tons of that. The art is by Paul Pelletier, who has had runs on She-Hulk, Batgirl, and Exiles, so he sure knows his ladies!
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