Looking for bondage recommendations

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Looking for bondage recommendations

Post by embarrassed1983 »

I apologize if this is super specific, but as far as female leads go in the bound and gagged department, I never was into the school girl, skirts, dresses spiel. I love female leads that wear tight pants (jeans, khakis, sweats) tight shirts (tshirt, button up, polo) workwear utility jumpsuits, police uniforms, pretty much attire that shows they are tough, spunky and ready to go.

Can anyone recommend any clips from both any live action and/or anime series/movies that fits these aesthetics? A bonus for me would involve the damsel struggling to get out of her ropes, and there are either camera pans or insert shots below the waist of her getting something out of a pocket or belt to loosen her ropes. No need to recommend anything of April O'Neil or Fujiko Mine. I'm a fan of both Lupin and TMNT so I got those two covered.

Sorry if this sounds weird, but this is the only space I can openly talk about stuff like this.
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Joined: August 10th, 2020, 1:36 am

Re: Looking for bondage recommendations

Post by aquamaster95 »

Wow Finally found a mate that has a similar preference for damsel!!! Lets connect I do have scenes similar to those ,
My DA https://www.deviantart.com/aquamaster1995
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