I borrowed Ghostz Style of Titles , This is the DID and Peril scenes I saw at the Tokusatsus Show "Machineman "
Episode 6
Young Girl in bound and gagged Full Treatment
Episode 13
ASFR and Electrocution CID Scene , Two young Girls are turned into a Mannequin then they are petrified and turned into Stone Statues
Episode 25
A Young Girl is OTM gagged with white cloth but not tied
Episode 31
CID , The Main actress is absorbed and trapped inside a pot , There was a young girl absorbed earlier
There was a scene where the main actress was tied up but I didn't include it because sadly she shared the scene with a boy who was gagged and she wasn't
Machineman DID Review
Moderator: Suicide
Re: Machineman DID Review
The tie up scenes are awesome. Thanks for sharing.