Anime Industry Dying?!

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Anime Industry Dying?!

Post by TheVampirePrincess »

Maybe we shouldn't pirate anymore (no more kissanime)" onclick=";return false;
before you say this is a hoax/scare tactic, look in the comments & actually watch the video.
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Re: Anime Industry Dying?!

Post by Daikinbakuju »

Stopped watching at less than 2 minutes because the fake accent when mentioning Japanese titles are annoying.
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Re: Anime Industry Dying?!

Post by Aquarionoid »

>"guys lets buy the raws even though not everyone understands spoken Japanese and the blu-ray disc sales are mostly for people living in Japan"

This is what places like Hulu and Crunchyroll are made for, that is how non-Japanese fans can support anime they like better, the BD sales are mostly for their domestic audiences, let them decide what sinks and swims. I also find it hilarious that Manglobe is somehow implied in the same realm of the industry like Sunrise, Toei, Ghibli, Deen, Gonzo, AIC, Xebec, or Gainax.
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Re: Anime Industry Dying?!

Post by Suicide »

One company filing bankruptcy and one down year for DVD/BluRay sales (especially in a climate that DVD/BluRay sales are down in all corners of entertainment, it's just a dying medium) is hardly a case for the fall of an entire industry. It's like saying the video game industry is dying because Konami isn't making Triple A titles anymore. It's been reported and Manglobe has been treading water for some time prier to this as well. He could do with a little more research. The distribution of anime through retail streaming markets is at an all-time high which means more people are viewing anime than ever before in more countries and faster. Collectible merchandise (figures, statues, busts etc.) sales are up as well thanks to the large influx of conventions and more retail venues. I'd say the industry is SHIFTING, not dying.

Re: Anime Industry Dying?!

Post by TheVampirePrincess »

you have a point there.
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Dr Henry Killinger
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Re: Anime Industry Dying?!

Post by Dr Henry Killinger »

old news is old

they been saying that since 2005, at here we are 10 years later and it just going as strong as before, yes some studios die out but that's business, I remember Lucy's Market and Sav-On but now they are taken over by CVS and Vons or who ever owns Albersons now.

problem is people won't stop streaming so they have to find ways around the priates and offer streaming like crunchyroll or netflix. I noticed the anime library on netflix is growing.... slowly but growing.
I am Dr. Henry Killinger, and this is my Magic Murder Bag
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