Looking for a DID from way past

Request artists and contributors with ideas on DiD's, situations, and scenarios.

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Looking for a DID from way past

Post by Strangerinthecorner »

So many years ago, I found this once scene on Youtube that seems to have disappeared now and no matter where I look, I can't seem to find it. If anyone here knows anything about this scene, I would highly appreciate some more infos.
I think it might've been from an indian show, but I'm not sure. We have the damsel sitting on a chair, mouthing off to the big bad, also a woman. After some bickering, the villian signals her goons, who tie and OTN gag the woman, before they all leave. I THINK the villian makes some snarky remark before leaving. We then get a scene of the damsel struggling and getting loose from her bonds. It's been a long while and my memory is really fuzzy, but I think I've gotten this down as pat as possible. So yeah, if this sounds familiar to you, do tell me!

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Re: Looking for a DID from way past

Post by Truthseeker »

this belongs in requests
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