Wait, the game's not even out yet...
An animated series based on the upcoming game Mighty. No 9 is on the way, Keiji Inafune announced at Anime Expo 2014 today. It is scheduled to debut in Q2 2016.
Inafune debuted a trailer for the show, and you can find a few off-screen images from the video above. He was quick to note that all Kickstarter funds are only going towards the game, and not the animated series.
Digital Frontier is handling the Mighty No. 9 series. The company has previously been involved with the Yakuza and Tekken games, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Vanquish, and more. Digital Frontier also worked on films like Resident Evil: Damnation.
http://nintendoeverything.com/mighty-9- ... announced/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Teaser trailer:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmY3jd0z8ho" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Mighty No.9: Animated Series Announcement
Moderator: Suicide
- rider28031
- Posts: 266
- Joined: May 29th, 2011, 4:48 am
Re: Mighty No.9: Animated Series Announcement
They're really going all out on this one, aren't they? I get that there's a demand for a new 'Mega Man' game, but I don't think people were clamoring for an animated series based on this IP, at least not yet.
Re: Mighty No.9: Animated Series Announcement
yeah I second rider's post, while the game seems to have a lot of backing.. I'm not so sure an animated series will.. especially more of this 3D stuff.. it looks almost like Mighty will be a non-talker, kind of like Link from Legend of Zelda, based on this so far, I think they're pressing it a bit far forward here, let's just hope the game comes through un-impeded.