We’ve speculated for months on who would be playing Thanos, the overarching villain of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Would it be Vin Diesel? Benicio Del Toro? Kevin Feige said they had the actor cast, but that they weren’t ready to reveal who it was just yet. Well, they might not be ready, but that doesn’t matter because the word is out: Josh Brolin is your Thanos!
Latino Review is reporting that Brolin will at the very least voice Thanos in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy‘ with an option to star in ‘Avengers 2‘ or ‘Avengers 3‘ as needed (UPDATE: Variety has since confirmed the report). And, needed he will be as the Marvel Cinematic Universe shapes up to tell the Infinity Gauntlet storyline teased in the ‘Avengers’ post-credits scene (where stunt actor Damion Poitier briefly played the Mad Titan).
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