An unexpected damsel in distress find in this popular web comic of Kevin and Kell. The story behind this is there is this sheep on a...lam and is hiding undercover with this poodle bodyguard. She disguise herself as a sheep to fool the Herdthinners goons into thinking they were not looking for two sheeps. Well the sheep later on develop a set of horns making the goons think the poodle is the sheep so she ends up being kidnapped instead.
Not too sure if there are more scenes like this there is like thousands of strips in the archives.
Kevin and Kell 11/11/13 strip
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- Hypercat-Z
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- Joined: November 15th, 2012, 9:46 am
Re: Kevin and Kell 11/11/13 strip
Is this good enough?" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
Re: Kevin and Kell 11/11/13 strip
Thanks for the finds.