Weird-News: Bacon Dating Simulator

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Weird-News: Bacon Dating Simulator

Post by ARNie »

Ah Japan, you're so random...


The Bacon Lettuce Biographies is, according to its tagline, a “school-based boys’ love, fairytale adventure.” However, this is a little misleading because it is actually a visual novel where you date meat. Big, giant slabs of meat.

The Bacon Lettuce Biographies is a free visual novel about a boy—who believes he hears the voices of aliens—that falls in love with another boy. Which boy he ends up with is, of course, up to the decisions you make as you play.

The trick is that all other male characters in the game appear on screen not as humans but as different pieces of meat. Moreover, not only do they look like meat, but they are also named after meat. The most popular boy in the school is literally named “Beef” while the “childhood best friend” character is named “Tuna.” It is only in the special event pictures that you are able to see them in human form.

Interestingly enough, the only female character I came across seemed to be completely human all the time—though she was actively dating a piece of toro sushi. ... -675502392" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Weird-News: Bacon Dating Simulator

Post by mutantoverlord »

..................the day has come that i have found a dating simulator even more ridiculous than the pigeon one. at least pigeons are not dead adn mutilated pieces of meat.
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Joined: May 28th, 2011, 8:52 pm

Re: Weird-News: Bacon Dating Simulator

Post by Chris »

Wow that is really bizzare
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