It's logical in the sense that she's known to be a criminal, so that's the one you would send to infiltrate the villains. However it begs the question why they wouldn't just use the super powered shape-shifting Martian. But maybe that was explained away in the story. Haven't read it.
But yes I agree... the snake guy's dialog is just crass...
reason why they did is simple. because they couldn't get her killed if that was not the real her; one does not need to mutilate and slaughter character just to create a plot line, its far too overused. reason why i am prone to rage at comics. though i do hear thoeries of this not even being her or some other stuff. not sure if it is the hopefuly, naive, or someone who is reading the lines who says that though...... made even more confusing by the fact they recently released the first issue of a catwoman comic around the same time as this, and no one is giving context if the catwoman comic takes place in the past. normally i find comics try ti keep in the same time line with one another if the share the same universe, so i am extra fruity tooty confused.
i know it is a world full of jet powered apes and time-travel, but it does not mean they can do ANYTHING they want. nor can you choose when or if a character or set of character have to act out of character. the jsutice league I know would not put selina in such a dangerous position PERIOD. she does not have anything close to a skill set for such a venture to begin with. she is not black widow from avengers, and she certainly is not cassandra cain for an example in dc universe.
made even more confusing by the fact they recently released the first issue of a catwoman comic around the same time as this, and no one is giving context if the catwoman comic takes place in the past. normally i find comics try ti keep in the same time line with one another if the share the same universe, so i am extra fruity tooty confused.
Agreed. It's clear the editorial staff is having serious issues even attempting to get a timeline going or devise a reasonable continuity with many characters in their New 52 universe. It was changed 3 times in a week weather Tim Drake was a "real" Robin.
the jsutice league I know would not put selina in such a dangerous position PERIOD.
You're basing that off the original JLA. This one is run by Amanda Waller. SHE absolutely WOULD put Selina in this situation with very little concern for her safety.
....eye twitches. whhyyyy would any of these heroes even listen to Amanda Waller? i am fairly certain she is well known as a dubious, at the very least, figure amongst the heroes.
how would that interview go?
"Hey, i heard they were going to create a league separate to the justice league."
"AWESOME, we can now do good in our own light."
"This league is run by the government by a large black woman government official who has made controversial decision in her life that would almost make even the joker label her as a sociopath."
".....She hot?"
"Not at all."
"....Okay! sign me up!"
rubs eyes. i could imagine some lower level of newer heroes following Amanda Waller, but why in the holy bejesus is Martian Manhunter there? HE would know better than follow Amanda Waller, hell any sane hero would immediately warn other heroes not to touch that woman with a twenty foot pole. and the suspicions would be proven right obviously. i mean, she runs the suicide squad. and you cannot tell me anyone who has even bumped into batman let alone knows him would not be informed of its existence by him, and that he would not know about it. and anyone who runs the DC villain meat grinder should be avoided at any cost.
Again you seem to be basing this off the Pre-reboot timeline and the old JLA. Waller (who is no longer fat) doesn't have the same history, nor does someone like Martian Manhunter. There's very little reason for them not to trust her.