Theme Month suggestions/ references etc.

Moderator: Suicide

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Joined: May 24th, 2011, 1:26 pm


Post by Suicide »

The topics have been decided. I tried to grab at least ONE idea from those who gave suggestions and matched in a few of my own and a few that were suggested off the board in other places. So here they are:

APRIL: Fuedal Japan
A popular look with DiD, Girls in kimonos, nobels, girl samurai, kunoichi, servant girls, villagers and an endless supply of canon characters from anime and western cartoons. If it's not really from the Feudal period that's fine just so long as it has that kimono or ninja girl look.

MAY: Stowed Away
Suggested by Ieon and a scenario that I happen to love. This is kind of in the spirit of that old "Transporter" theme we had years back. The damsel is stowed away somewhere to be hidden from site and sound. You can base your pic at any point during this scenario such as when she's being put away to the hero looking for her as she tries to get his attention from behind her hidden prison! Be creative!

JUNE: 60's Mod
Mod style fashion damsels! You know the type, that Emma Peel and Agent 99 look. Any character you wanna put in this lovely style or capture a scene from known media. The current Hawkeye comic book run is a good indicator of the style as well. I'm really curious to see what people can come up with here.

JULY: DC/Marvel Team Up
A DC Heroine and a Marvel Heroine together! Or maybe villainesses! Or maybe a Heroine and Villainess from each. The point is, crossovers from these two. Both get tied up, one tied up by the other however you wanna go with it. Just make sure it involves one of each in the pic.

AUGUST: King of Damsels (SNK)
Always good to have a Video Game based theme. SNK Playmore franchise has lots of lovely ladies spanning many many games from Fatal Fury to Mark of the Wolves. Any one or several of these is fair game!

SEPTEMBER: Shinigami Shibari
Anime based. I kinda fell in love with the idea as soon as I typed it. The ladies of Bleach! Doesn't have to be reserved for only the Shinigami girls NOR does it have to be Shibari. Just the ladies of Bleach in bondage.

OCTOBER: Webbed (Sticky) Maidens
Any DiD involving the lady wrapped up in webbing, or even just sticky substance. Type cocoons, webbed mouths, even liquid latex tech type stuff. Any of that is fair game.

NOVEMBER: All Grown Up
This one is for all those young damsels we grew up loving all grown up (18 or older) and still getting into trouble! Penny Gadget, Jade Chan, etc etc. You get free reign with how the girl is designed so long as its clear who the damsel is.

DECEMBER: Literary Illustrations
This is a fun one. I'm putting it at the end of the year to let the inspiration run. Any DiD or bondage scene in literature that you would like to illustrate for us please do! Any book. The one stipulation is that it has to be an illustration to a direct passage of the book. It's not a literary characters month where you can put heroines an original situation, it HAS to be a direct illustration of a written page/passage. You can also take your OWN interpretation of a classic illustration, maybe from Nancy Drew or something. If you go that route I recommend you take it a newer direction or something to differentiate it from the original art. Have fun with it!


If I repeated any that we did in the past I apologize but I think it's been long enough that years old topics are fair game.
Thanks to everyone who participated and I look forward to actually contributing this time around. Hope to breathe some life back into it.