Banzai Pecan DID- Screenshots/Video

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Banzai Pecan DID- Screenshots/Video

Post by ShibaKita »

Hey guys, as the alert I ended up getting the game and playing through it. I did get to the part where there is the DID scenarios and the level is filled with it. I'm not too sure if there is more because i did not want to continue lol. Game is kinda hard to play.

The game is about a Heronie named Pecan who has to save her boyfriend or something along those lines. I spent a good two hours learning the game and getting destroyed by every boss until i got to this level.

Pecan is pretty much in a bondage mansion and fights her way through where the evil cosplay bunny girls you fight are tied up in numerous bondage poses. When you fight the boss itself she has an ultimate which ties pecans hands/feet together then she proceeds to spank you for damage. O_o After you beat the boss pecan ends up getting captured by all the bosses you beaten up before tied up in some dungeon and looked after by the mistress boss. There are scenes where the screen goes black and what I assume is they are knocking her out, then whipping or something. I was unable to get a video cause fraps was acting weird with the cutscenes.

Anyways i decided to upload the part where she is tied up in pics because the cutscenes are pretty much just pictures advancing one after another. I might get around to uploading the cutscene on youtube but i think i have to beat the game first to level select.

Youtube vid of boss fight:" onclick=";return false;

Anyways on with the shots:

Regular enemies:

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These are two bosses you beat before you get here, it looks like they are being punished or something for failing

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Here is where Pecan get's captured:

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And all them taunting pecan:

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I recommend this game if you want a hard fighter game, it's easier if you have a arcade pad of some kind, using a keyboard kinda sucks :(
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Re: Banzai Pecan DID- Screenshots/Video

Post by ShibaKita »" onclick=";return false;

Is where you can buy the game
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Re: Banzai Pecan DID- Screenshots/Video

Post by alexrio35 »

A bit fewer DIDs than I expected, but it's still good. Thanks for uploading dude! :D
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Re: Banzai Pecan DID- Screenshots/Video

Post by ShibaKita »

No problem, i'll upload a whole video of the level, let's hope there is a level select cause I realllllyyyyy dont feel like going through the first 3 stages lol.
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Re: Banzai Pecan DID- Screenshots/Video

Post by Suicide »

THanks for alerting to this Alexrio35 and thanks for posting caps inuopx! Great job!
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Re: Banzai Pecan DID- Screenshots/Video

Post by ShibaKita »

No problem knowing there was DID made me go through like 4 stages of hell lol,

I spent two 1hour 30mins on the last boss and still cant beat lol i'll try every day till i do!
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