Trifecta Announcements

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Moderator: Suicide

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Trifecta Announcements

Post by Suicide »

I have a few announcements to make regarding my website Trifecta. No this is not a good bye letter. Read on!

Trifecta is under going a massive site over haul that will allow me to make smaller more frequent updates at regular intervals. Each entry will be placed into a blog post and displayed accordingly just as it appears now. This will allow updates to be seen more regularly and increase the flow of site visits through out the year. Also you'll be seeing more scenes (comics cartoons anime and art) coming from my stash.

The Kim Possible Donation Art pic (winner of the poll) will be included in this update as well as updates to the Zatanna and Lois Lane Comic Floods and brand new cartoon and anime DiDs just like we're all familiar with in the updates. But there is one other addition that will be added to the Trifecta stable of DiD content.

This is Renee:" onclick=";return false;

And this is Hannah:" onclick=";return false;

They (along with others over time) will be featured in a new section of Bondage and DiD photos/videos produced locally by yours truly. I have had several photo/video shoots in the past weeks and am very happy to say the content is absolutely stellar for DiD lovers like myself. Because these shoots costs money to produce this section will be a PAY section.

It won't be a membership type deal. There will be sets of photos and videos for purchase dedicated to a certain DiD scenario based on the photo sets. Each package will have a set of HiRes photos and Video along with a dedicated story to go along with the scenario depicted in the media. Each package will have preview photos and maybe even a preview video of a few seconds of the lovely damsel struggling in her bonds. Packages will be sold separately at a moderate price so you pay for what you want. And there will be clear definition of what each package provides the buyer.

I hope this new section is a success and thank everyone for their patience with my lack of updates this year. Busy times and all that.
Here's to bigger things! Thanks for reading!

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Re: Trifecta Announcements

Post by ghostz »

Great work and thanks for everything till now. Looking forward to all these new updates.
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Re: Trifecta Announcements

Post by scarface »

Sounds great to me. The site will be even bigger. By the way I have a crush on Renee, she is such a supercute girl. Amazing. Looking forward for all the new content.
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