R.I.P. Twinkies

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Re: R.I.P. Twinkies

Post by Suicide »

I like how people care more about the fact that a crappy snack cake is going to lose its company brand and not the 18,000 people who have lost their jobs to the stupidity and greed of their management.
I grow weary of this argument as well. The fact is the product met with competition and a decline in sales. That's ultimately why it's going out of business. All this arguing about greedy management vs. Union bosses is superfluous to the fact that people don't really bye Hostess as much anymore. Little Debbie and Krispy Kreme is more to "blame."

The fact is the Union and the CEO's are fighting over money they don't have because they aren't selling as well as they used to. Neither side wants to LET THE FUCK GO of structures that only worked when they were making much more money. Poorly handled ALL THE WAY AROUND.
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AH-64D Longbow
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Re: R.I.P. Twinkies

Post by AH-64D Longbow »

Suicide wrote:
I like how people care more about the fact that a crappy snack cake is going to lose its company brand and not the 18,000 people who have lost their jobs to the stupidity and greed of their management.
I grow weary of this argument as well. The fact is the product met with competition and a decline in sales. That's ultimately why it's going out of business. All this arguing about greedy management vs. Union bosses is superfluous to the fact that people don't really bye Hostess as much anymore. Little Debbie and Krispy Kreme is more to "blame."

The fact is the Union and the CEO's are fighting over money they don't have because they aren't selling as well as they used to. Neither side wants to LET THE FUCK GO of structures that only worked when they were making much more money. Poorly handled ALL THE WAY AROUND.
Most of the blame lies with the CEO and his little circle of goons, in my opinion. Cutting pensions and pay is one thing, but then doing it while giving yourself a 300% raise? And doing this when your market share is declining rapidly to other companies? The entire company had been plagued with this kind of bad management for decades, filing for bankruptcy twice, and now it's a big shock that they're gone.

Oh no, No more Twinkies, Ho-hos, and other insipidly named junkfood!*

*Except in Canada and until those brands get picked up by another major company.
cresent34 wrote:
AH-64D Longbow wrote: Then they're silly and they don't have much going on in their lives.

You're starting to sound like the very people who would denigrate the stuff that goes on this board.

Would you consider that silly?
Haha, oh wow. Nice conclusion, Senator McCarthy. Someone points out the inanity of mourning a corporate brand and the obscene amount of airtime it's gotten, so they must dislike the subject matter of the entire site! Dot. Dot. Dot.
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Re: R.I.P. Twinkies

Post by cresent34 »

AH-64D Longbow wrote:[

Haha, oh wow. Nice conclusion, Senator McCarthy. Someone points out the inanity of mourning a corporate brand and the obscene amount of airtime it's gotten, so they must dislike the subject matter of the entire site! Dot. Dot. Dot.

No. 1. Never, ever, compare me to that villain again here or anywhere. >:(

No. 2. You completely missed my point, like a lot of persons I ran into online. You were the one who went blindly off going, 'Why are we wasting time on this?' Which sounds a lot like others who said the same thing. End of line. :\
Good Night and Good Luck..

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Re: R.I.P. Twinkies

Post by Nezz »

My children called me "Daddy". My wife called me "Milien". Now the world will learn to call me... NOX...
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AH-64D Longbow
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Re: R.I.P. Twinkies

Post by AH-64D Longbow »

Suicide is the grorious moddu, END OF RINE is HIS RINE

RINE END HERE -------------
cresent34 wrote:
AH-64D Longbow wrote:[

Haha, oh wow. Nice conclusion, Senator McCarthy. Someone points out the inanity of mourning a corporate brand and the obscene amount of airtime it's gotten, so they must dislike the subject matter of the entire site! Dot. Dot. Dot.

No. 1. Never, ever, compare me to that villain again here or anywhere. >:(

No. 2. You completely missed my point, like a lot of persons I ran into online. You were the one who went blindly off going, 'Why are we wasting time on this?' Which sounds a lot like others who said the same thing. End of line. :\
Take a chill pill, boyo. Someone was sarcastic on the internet, time to get bent out of shape!

So, you twitter on about snack cakes else where, too? Your "point" ranks up there with water vapor in terms of tangibility, as well.
All I'm sayin' is: Give war a chance.
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Re: R.I.P. Twinkies

Post by Suicide »

Cutting pensions and pay is one thing, but then doing it while giving yourself a 300% raise?
Yeah so far that's just the likely words of a Union hack. There's been no actual evidence produced that such a raise was given. Not saying it automatically didn't happen, but I'd have to see the proof rather than take the word of the same people that helped cause the companies first bankruptcy by REFUSING to renegotiate new Union worker terms after sales had declined.
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AH-64D Longbow
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Re: R.I.P. Twinkies

Post by AH-64D Longbow »

Suicide wrote:
Cutting pensions and pay is one thing, but then doing it while giving yourself a 300% raise?
Yeah so far that's just the likely words of a Union hack. There's been no actual evidence produced that such a raise was given. Not saying it automatically didn't happen, but I'd have to see the proof rather than take the word of the same people that helped cause the companies first bankruptcy by REFUSING to renegotiate new Union worker terms after sales had declined.
Writing's on the wall for Hostess. The company has been mismanaged for the past 20 years, so odds are it's true. While I'd agree with your skepticism for a company that wasn't run into the ground repeatedly in the past, with Hostess it's a matter of "Where there's smoke, there's fire."
All I'm sayin' is: Give war a chance.
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laura silverman
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Re: R.I.P. Twinkies

Post by laura silverman »

Wow, when did this thread become a NLRB forum? :lol:

Corporate/Union issues within Hostess and the nutritional merits of Twinkies and Hostess' other products aside, the real reason that this is a downer to me and I imagine most other people is the nostalgia factor. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, Twinkies will always be the quintessential American snack food. (Even though the Hostess fruit pies (APPLE!) are my fav.) My dad collects comics and even though they were before my time, I had the opportunity to read the classic 70s Marvel comics when I was a kid and fondly remember those Hostess ads where Spidey or Torch would shill the various snacks by using them as villain bait. :lol: It made an indelible impression on me and probably a lot of other kids who've grown up now and have kids of their own. And that's why I think Twinkies will be missed.

And not to diminish the real world seriousness of 18,000 employees being laid off but to lighten the mood here on this thread because well, I think it needs it-

http://www.seanbaby.com/hostess/v2spiderman16.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I guess this means that Spidey is out of a job. But then again he's Dr Ock now so screw it.
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