Weird-News: Don't Warn About Earthquake, Go To Jail

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Weird-News: Don't Warn About Earthquake, Go To Jail

Post by ARNie »

Too bad this couldn't happen to that radio prophet who botched the two Rapture predictions last year, but then again he was warning everybody for years and used millions of donation dollars in order to do so...

Defying assertions that earthquakes cannot be predicted, an Italian court convicted seven scientists and experts of manslaughter Monday for failing to adequately warn residents before a temblor struck central Italy in 2009 and killed more than 300 people.

The court in L'Aquila also sentenced the defendants to six years each in prison. All are members of the national Great Risks Commission, and several are prominent scientists or geological and disaster experts.

Scientists had decried the trial as ridiculous, contending that science has no reliable way of predicting earthquakes. So news of the verdict shook the tightknit community of earthquake experts worldwide.

"It's a sad day for science," said seismologist Susan Hough, of the U.S. Geological Survey in Pasadena, Calif. "It's unsettling." That fellow seismic experts in Italy were singled out in the case "hits you in the gut," Hough added...

...The defendants were accused in the indictment of giving "inexact, incomplete and contradictory information" about whether small tremors felt by L'Aquila residents in the weeks and months before the April 6, 2009, quake should have constituted grounds for a quake warning...

...The quake killed 309 people, injured more than 1,500, and left 65,000 people homeless, Pizzey reports. The entire historic center of the city had to be abandoned.

The entire article at CBS News: ... 009-quake/
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