20th Century Fox Animation and Ice Age makers Blue Sky Studios will turn Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Woodstock and the whole Peanuts gang into an animated feature film franchise. Fox has closed a deal for rights to turn the strip by the late Charles Schulz into a film that has already been set for release on November 25, 2015. That date commemorates the 65th anniversary of the comic strip and the 50th anniversary of the TV special A Charlie Brown Christmas.
Fox Animation has set director Steve Martino, who co-directed the Fox/Blue Sky hit Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears A Who! and Fox Animation’s latest blockbuster, Ice Age: Continental Drift. The screenplay is by Craig Schulz and the writing team of Bryan Schulz & Cornelius Uliano. Craig Schulz and Bryan Schulz, who are Schulz’s son and grandson, will produce with Uliano.
http://www.deadline.com/2012/10/charles ... y-studios/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
How does this make you feel?
Fox Animation Presents: Charles Shultz's 'Peanuts'
Moderator: Suicide
Re: Fox Animation Presents: Charles Shultz's 'Peanuts'
"Wa Waaaa Wa Waaaa Wa Wa Waaaa."*
*Translation: I think I'm going to throw up.
*Translation: I think I'm going to throw up.
Good Night and Good Luck..
---Edward R. Murrow, See It Now, CBS
---Keith Olbermann, Olbermann, ESPN2
---Edward R. Murrow, See It Now, CBS
---Keith Olbermann, Olbermann, ESPN2
Re: Fox Animation Presents: Charles Shultz's 'Peanuts'
Didn't they tease this like 2 years ago at San Diego Comic Con?
Peanuts has the stability, nostalgia, and likability to be brought about for any generation. But there is something unsettling about watching things like Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh and others in CGI animation. Even if its good CGI it'll feel very very odd...
Peanuts has the stability, nostalgia, and likability to be brought about for any generation. But there is something unsettling about watching things like Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh and others in CGI animation. Even if its good CGI it'll feel very very odd...
Re: Fox Animation Presents: Charles Shultz's 'Peanuts'
Well. At least it won't be a live-action series of films like they did with Garfield and Marmaduke. That would have been a lot worse.
Well. At least it won't be a live-action series of films like they did with Garfield and Marmaduke. That would have been a lot worse.
It's Got To Go Somewhere... - Come to my art blog, friends.
Re: Fox Animation Presents: Charles Shultz's 'Peanuts'
Not sure I'm ready for a CGI Charlie Brown.
Catwoman: Think you can handle me?
Batman: I've got handcuffs.
Catwoman: Ooh.
Batman: I've got handcuffs.
Catwoman: Ooh.