Giganta request Did and Non did

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Giganta request Did and Non did

Post by Sailornapper »

Okay the setup is Giganta finds herself in the MOTU universe and she runs across two different Giants that make her look petite. Giganta is her classic Jungle girl look ( or the JLU design just barefoot cause this plays on that)

1st encounter) Giganta walks thru a forest a stumbles upon Tytus the heroic giant and the two actually hit it off. Tytus then asks if she would like to come back to his village. Thinking of stuff to steal she says yes. Tytus noticing her barefeetbpicks her up over his shoulder and starts walking as Giganta playfully yells "Put me down you big ape!" and the dumbfoundly says to herself "never thought I'd ever say that."

2nd encounter)
Starts out the same but this time she runs across Megator of the Evil Horde who uickly tosses two bolos that bind her arms to her sides and her legs together. He then uses tree vines and binds her wrists behind her back and ankles together and tosses her over his.shoulder to Hordak. She yells while struggling "Put me down you big ape!" and then.dunfoundedly says to herself "never expected to say that." as Megator laugs.

Tytus refs:" onclick=";return false;

Megator Refs:" onclick=";return false;

Giganta should be known and easy to look up

Hope somebody tries one of these.
Posts: 552
Joined: April 6th, 2012, 9:45 pm

Re: Giganta request Did and Non did

Post by Sailornapper »

Heres one ref of Giganta if needed. Her old Comic look ... iganta.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... iganta.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... 5px-Gi.jpg" onclick=";return false;

Last is the JLU version.
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