As expected, it's not Mark Hamill...
The good news about an animated film of Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns is that there is an animated feature of the ground breaking graphic novel forthcoming. The bad news is that it's being split up into two parts. But even more good news is that the second part of the film will be the one that heavily features the Joker and we've got the first look at the character for you from TV Guide, who have also revealed that "LOST" veteran Michael Emerson will be playing the character in the second part. ... r-revealed" onclick=";return false;
The Dark Knight Returns: Joker Voice Actor
Moderator: Suicide
Re: The Dark Knight Returns: Joker Voice Actor
WEll this certainly isn't the first DCAU movie that's not Mark Hamill as the Joker. I rather like this casting too. I always thought Ben from Lost would make a good crazy Riddler too.