Method 1 : Searching Youtube subtitles
Using This Website , you can search for words included in subtitles in youtube videos as long as the video supports subtitles , for example if you typed gagged , it will include every video in youtube that supports subtitles that includes the word gagged , whether they are Manual subtitles inputted by the Video uploader or they are Automatic subtitles extracted by youtube based on the audio , to search for a complete phrase then put the phrase between quotations like "gag her" , If you want to search two or more words that is included at the same time in the same sentence/paragraph , then search for example "tie" "gag"
The more you are skilled with the search words , the more efficient the results you will have , Also you can filter by categories which will enhance your search , You can Also search by any language
The Website is :
Method 2 : Downloading the whole storyboard of a youtube video
We all know Youtube Storyboards , Its the images of the video generated when you hover on the seekbar of the video , its great but it gets tiresome keeping hovering on the whole video scanning it for scenes , but with this following method , it isn't tiresome anymore
There is a way to easily download those Storyboards , and in a High quality , and view them in a single HTML file and all you have to do is to scroll down and happy hunting
The Method is to use a program called yt-dlp , You can download it fromhere , download it in an easy to access directory ( for example , downloading it in a folder called yt that its directory is C:\yt ) , then Run CMD , then inside CMD browse to the folder containing the yt-dlp.exe , in our example its C:\yt , after accessing the folder , Copy and paste the following command
Code: Select all
yt-dlp -f sb0
Code: Select all
yt-dlp -f sb0
, and it will start downloading the storyboards of the Video/Whole Playlist/Whole Channel in the same folder and the size is usually 100KB's per file , Use Microsoft Edge to open the mhtml folder for any Video and Voila , The Whole storyboard of the video is in front of your eyes and in High quality
Keep in Mind , The Images displayed in the file is limited to how youtube generate those images in the seekbar , so in short videos the gap between a pic and the other could be one second , in long videos the gap could be up to 10 seconds , so there is a space for error the longer the video is , so for longer videos if there is no clear Bondage moment visible but there are signs for it ( Gun threating , Gang Invasion , etc ) then its worth checking the video itself in that case and scan the moment
Example of a video
Code: Select all
yt-dlp -f sb0