Cant remember when or where but i do remeber that it was only season 1.
So when i found out a second season aired i checkt it and found out that all of the main girls get a full treatment.
Ep 9, The mummy girl get captured
Ep 12, The frankstein girl and her creater/mother get wraped up by spiders.
When the main chackters search for them they find them wrapped up to a celing(the witch mother also get the treatment)
The mummy girl also get captured by webs(she also get gagged by it)
Ep 13, Trying to beat the spiders the mummy girl lets her get captured(showing With mom, frankstein girl and mummy girl wraped up and gagged, plus the boys)
Ep 14, The witch girl get captured by trees
Ep 20, when turned to toys the mummy girl and vamp boy get tied
Ep 21, Witch mom get straightjacked and tape gagged
Ep 23, Main boy father turn monster hunter resulting with people tied up(witch,witch girl and vamp mother)
Ep 24, the main boy get tied up aloundside mummy girl wrappings