A Kids Animated Serie about a boy who wants to became a knight
Because its a kids show most of the damsels are no tied up but are captured in some way
Ep 3, The mean witch dressed as a princess pretends to be tied up
Ep 15, a forein Princess get kidnapped and trapped in a cage
Ep 16, The older sister pretends to be in danger shown grapped by a machine
Ep 20, The mean witch get glued stuck
Ep 21, The older sister get stuck in a web
Ep 22, 1 of the female friends of the main kid get stuck in a cage
Ep 31, The love intrest of the main kid get kidnapped and is shown stuck in a bubble
Ep 34, The older sister and a friend of the main kid get stuck in a web
Ep 36, The mean witch get tied up
Gus the Itsy Bitsy Knight
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