Blade Runner Black Lotus

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Blade Runner Black Lotus

Post by Aquarionoid »

So there I was cleaning out my freezer to make my pilgrimage to Costco and Walmart because inflation be a risin up like freedom fighters starring Mario and Luigi when the Family Guy reruns ran out on FXX and so you turn on that Saturnday Night Light on MSNBCE by the BBC and the FCC (good night Brian Williams) the commercials got their motors running because Arby's wants to imitate KFC so Adult Swim had one of those Crunchyroll Oranges on that referenced the movie made by Ridley before Samus made him a cyborg and in this I don't know what episode one woman had another woman tied to a chair for interrogation NO ARBY'S I WILL NOT BUY YOUR BONELESS CHICKEN and I don't know the context after that because I had no desire to go through more commercials advertising Billie Irish and her pudding dress;like dudes having instant wantons and royal crown is a combo combo combo combing of the hair, but drink responsibly. >:( Yes mister buck tooth smily I see you. Painted red. Stop playing pretend devil thas wha this guy >:D does with his smiling tooth and calcified hair on the ears. No Rocky, squirrels are not rocket cones.
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Re: Blade Runner Black Lotus

Post by yetie »

I think this is the episode. ... -episode-6
The content is that 1 girl got hunted down and lost some friends so she starts to hunt down the ones who hunted her.
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