Rakenzarn: Frontier Story

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Rakenzarn: Frontier Story

Post by Trace »

This is a fun little RPG Maker fan game. It's kinda like a big ol' crossover game where you got to different worlds and foil the plot of a group bent on destroying them for currently unknown reasons. Still a WIP, but enough content to be worth a looksie if you like crossover stuff.

The creator is also an obvious bondage fan since there's a bondage-themed sidequest in this game. You've gotta trek your way through a cave and rescue several girls who've been tied up. Oh yeah, Karyu's character Cynthia is also in the game. Joins the party for part of the quest too.

So, if you wanna see the good stuff, it's at 19:25 and 22:50, primarily. There's a CID scene at 33:55, if that's your thing.

"The quality of your lives depends on what you make of them! The only limits to adventure are the limits of your imagination!" — Scrooge McDuck, The Richest Duck in the World
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Re: Rakenzarn: Frontier Story

Post by Miho »

Nice little bunch of scenes here, thanks for the vid link. So the CID was that crystal scene? Shame, I was hoping the party got tied up lol.
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