Joss Whedon quits (fired from) Batgirl movie

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laura silverman
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Joss Whedon quits (fired from) Batgirl movie

Post by laura silverman »

So, it's official. Whedon is leaving the Batgirl project he personally pitched to Warner Brothers. The reason given is that, after a year of development, he just didn't have a story. But the backroom talk is that after the Justice League fiasco and the issues with Whedon's personal behavior in his private life, there was no way he was going to be allowed to stay on board.

All in all, smart move on WB's part because Whedon would have been nothing but problems and baggage at this point. But the bad news is that the studio will have to start from scratch again, hire a brand new creative team. The earliest that a Batgirl movie could hit theaters would probably be summer 2020. Good news though is that, with the success of Wonder Woman, I don't imagine WB would abandon another potential female-centric goldmine. ... ie-1087384
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Re: Joss Whedon quits (fired from) Batgirl movie

Post by Suicide »

He had a similar problem way back in the early 2000's with his Wonder Woman script. He's a good story teller but I think his flaws and limitations are starting to show.
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