-I only have tape, no other types or any bindings, as of the start of this topic. Others can be attempted -but- do not expect good tier quality.
-With that said here are the default and variant templates you can use for gag requesting. You may request as many variants as you like.
-No real life human beings, I do not want a lawsuit/jail time or similar shit.
-You must provide the picture, minimum size must be 250 pixels for both width and height. Please do not have the person(s) in question covered in blood, crying, receiving damage from beatings, tortured, raped, or anything of the sort.
-I will not do fan art unless you yourself are the original artist.
-Humans only, will only consider anthropomorphized animals/plants and robots -if- they appear human enough.
-Feel free to request screen shots of DiDs from their respective scenes without gags.
-Guys are acceptable, but no more than one picture per post (exceptions being group screen shots).
-Current limit is ten pictures per post, will likely increase depending on how things go.
-Please avoid asking how your request is coming along before a week has passed.
Other Things
-Unless I myself think it is worth saving on my tumblr account for gag manipulations I will delete them off my computer immediately after uploading them. If you don't save them and they are gone to the ether it is your own fault.

-No gifs/webms.
-Constructive criticism is appreciated.
-Anime is heavily preferred over other mediums when it comes to character selection, not too comfortable doing manipulations on characters from western animation, comics, or video games. I like those mediums too, I am just throwing it out there.
-If you credit me (preferably by link) I do give you permission to post your deliveries on your deviantart/tumblr/furyfinity/insert art site account here.
-No requesting anyone from this pile of goat shit. I never want to revisit that.

Alright, get greedy!