The Dark Parables are a serie of click and point games were you have to find hidden objects to proceed.
Every game got a theme from a story from the brothers Grimm.
I have not been checking all of the every second i first read the main story line for DID oppertunity's
And there are some DID's
Dark Parables 2: The Exiled Prince
Theme :The Frog Prince
A missing girl is seen with her hands tied
at 23:25
Dark Parables 4: Red Riding Hood Sisters
Theme : Red Riding Hood ... auMJsSt10N
A group of girls from the Red Riding Hood Sisters are captured and are seen tied up
at 12:12
the next part you see the girls again but the scene continues ... auMJsSt10N
at 0:11
Dark Parables 5: The Final Cinderella
Theme: Cinderella and Pinocchio
at 15:13 you can see Cinderella tied up
it only last a few seconds
The last game that i know i still have to check is the 11 one of this serie.
Dark Parables
Moderator: Suicide
Re: Dark Parables
Nice finds. Really dig the Red Hood Sisters scene. Full party capture is a great scenario!