Black Mirror: The National Anthem DID

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Black Mirror: The National Anthem DID

Post by AnonymousDIDLover »

Hey all! I've recently been watching an awesome series called Black Mirror on Netflix(which I highly recommend) and in the first episode there is a DID scene of debatable quality.

Princess Susannah of the royal family is kidnapped and at one point they show her *bad news* tied to a chair with no visible bonds but *good news* she has a nice, big duct tape gag, probably one of the best I've seen and is struggling a lot.

WARNING: It may be considered a bit gruesome because she supposedly has her finger cut off but SPOILERS, it's not actually hers, it's the kidnappers. ... shortfilms @22:43

Tried to get a screenshot but she struggles so frantically her face is either covered by her hair or it's too blurred.

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