Disney bans crocodiles and alligator joker and characters

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Disney bans crocodiles and alligator joker and characters

Post by Chris »

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... pened.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Following death of two year at one of the beaches in WDW they have put warning sings also the park has removed jokes and reference to crocs and alligator , they no looking make jokes in jungle cruise or Kilimanjaro Safaris and has ban refence to characters such as Tick Tock and Louis

Personally I agree with the warning signs but disagree the removing of the characters espically Tick Tock since he a big part of Peter pan Story and would be curious what this means for Peter Pan flight

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Re: Disney bans crocodiles and alligator joker and charact

Post by smbss »

Disney has gators else where. There are tiny gators that are a small part of a ride called Living With the Land, and let's not forget about the ones in Animal Kingdom.
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