Feds shut down Megaupload

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Re: Feds shut down Megaupload

Post by Nezz »

Idiots. Sheer idiots. MegaUpload was taken down for criminal activity, so the justice-fighters think that attacking a public relations site will cripple the actual FBI network? Not to mention that there will no doubt be arrests made for what is surely cyberterrorism against the FBI. In the midst of all this anti-anti-piracy sentiment, has nobody stopped and thought for a moment that this is all just escalation? Attacking the FBI in retaliation for them doing their jobs will only lead to future bills and acts that make SOPA and PIPA seem like polite requests.
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Re: Feds shut down Megaupload

Post by Flyingfoxman »

Nezz wrote:Idiots. Sheer idiots. MegaUpload was taken down for criminal activity, so the justice-fighters think that attacking a public relations site will cripple the actual FBI network? Not to mention that there will no doubt be arrests made for what is surely cyberterrorism against the FBI. In the midst of all this anti-anti-piracy sentiment, has nobody stopped and thought for a moment that this is all just escalation? Attacking the FBI in retaliation for them doing their jobs will only lead to future bills and acts that make SOPA and PIPA seem like polite requests.
This is my thinking too. Well said Nezz. Y'know, I live in Washington, and went to the National Spy Museum just last week. The last exhibit is about electronic/cyber espionage and terrorism. The exhibit pressed two things: the difficulty of defending against such attacks and the security apparatus' fear of its own vulnerability. Anonymous forgot an important safety practice, don't go poking hornets nests.
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Re: Feds shut down Megaupload

Post by Suichiro »

This assumes that people aren't inherently stupid and selfish. If it gets in the way of their personal way of life, they will attack without provocation, despite any logic to the contrary.
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Re: Feds shut down Megaupload

Post by mutantoverlord »

well thsi was sutpid. then agian, there has to be somethign that made them arrest and destroy megavideo. perhaps not as big as what they are showing, but something.
not only that, but megavideo has been snuffed out too. this is getting me pissed.

Good thing though. Now we don't have to worry about megavideo's annoying timing out.
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Re: Feds shut down Megaupload

Post by angry123 »

http://gigaom.com/2012/01/19/megaupload-indictment/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
I wouldn't believe it either, really.
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Re: Feds shut down Megaupload

Post by Nezz »

They sound so saintly.
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Re: Feds shut down Megaupload

Post by Suicide »

This article is so shoddy. If you read the actually indictment you get RIGHT to the point as to why the FBI struck at them. But the article only has about 2 bullets that even mention criminal activity. The rest of them on there are just "ZOMG THEY MADE LOTS OF MONEY KILL THEM!"
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Re: Feds shut down Megaupload

Post by Karyu »

The main problem with anything like this is you'll probably never know all the details.
The fact it all happened so soon after the whole SOPA thing obviously makes people point fingers at it, its entirely natural to do so.

I mean who knows if they did this to megaupload to get such a response from this group to help their own cause? or maybe it really is all bad timing and other such. I dunno.
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Re: Feds shut down Megaupload

Post by Suicide »

Well what's really bad timing is on their part. They spent the better part of their argument as SOPA and PIPA being the only hope to implement tools to fight piracy. Then we see, on clear display once again, that laws, tools and assets already exist to help stop piracy on radical scales.

Not that anyone will bring that point up on Capital Hill though.
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