Stupid bullying RP forum admins!

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Stupid bullying RP forum admins!

Post by Nashwalker »

Recently, a friend of mine (whom I will not identify due to privacy matters) was banned from Proboards forum Mysste Region, for basically "being herself" and for an argument over a resolved issue.

The story goes as this: My friend joined Mysste, a Pokemon RP (role playing) forum and created and submitted a character to it. However, there were some minor grammar and spelling mistakes in the character's profile and the admins critiqued her a little harshly for the errors.

My friend had so much on her plate she wasn't sure if she'd be able to fix them so fast, so she asked if she could have somebody proofread her work for her, before she posted it. Though they said that she could as long as that proofreader didn't write anything original to add to it, she misunderstood the response, which led to an argument which only ended after I cleared up the misunderstanding. Thinking it was resolved, I left and she went about her business.

The next day, some of the admins criticized her again for starting the fight, even though the issue had been peacefully resolved. Once again, I tried to intervene at my partner's request, but this time the admins took it to far and escalated the situations by callously telling her that if she couldn't get her own grammar straight without outside help, then maybe she didn't belong on the forum and that she should just leave, along with some other mean things that I won't repeat.

This only made matters worse, and made the fight even worse, which led to me and my friend getting banned from the Mysste forum. Now my friend (who is very emotionally fragile) is now heartbroken, and now blames herself and who she is for the ban, and she is too scarred deeply to forget or forgive and move on.

So I decided to get her story of what happened out there for all to see. While she might have overreacted and unintentionally started the first argument, those admins banned her regarding a matter that had already been peacefully resolved. And to me , that's not right.

So we're putting her story out there for all to see, and to warn others about the Mysste forum's micromanaging! They are bullies in my eyes, and they need to go down. So boycott their forum:" onclick=";return false;
That is all.
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Re: Stupid bullying RP forum admins!

Post by Aquarionoid »

Unfortunately I can relate to a similar plight, my roommate has been cyberbullied in the past rather viciously on a Godzilla board. He's fine now, but before this year? It caused him serious depression issues since 2010. At first I thought he was grossly exaggerating. Then I joined myself under the name Planet X and I am foolish for not taking his plight sooner. Raunchy place where a good chunk of the members will lash out for having opinions like "I didn't find Jurassic Park good" or "I look forward to a King Kong prequel". Very conservative/puritan mindset. I got banned three or four weeks later for being mistaken for a dupe account because I am familiar with mecha anime from the 80s that isn't Gundam (oh no!) and that tipped off some alarms in a head or two. Then there is shit like this where I am reading, dumbstruck that simple "who would win between a fight between X and Y" match ups have sixteen rules to them. I laughed quite hard. Sometime around Christmas last year the site got hacked and a bunch of reformation happened. You know a forum has had a shitty history when the owner has a rule about conspiracies. Yes, seriously. Never went back, never cared. It's a place not even the folks at /m/ want to talk about if their Ultraman threads have taught me anything, yikes.

Nash if you want to do something about this my only sound advise is to get a Web of Trust account, downgrade the site into the red, and leave a comment.
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