Yooka-Laylee (funny dream I had)

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Yooka-Laylee (funny dream I had)

Post by Hypercat-Z »

I suppose you already heard of the successor of Banjo-Kazooie.
Last night I dreamt I was playing the game. I just entered in the stage when a talking key bounce in front of me. "Hey guys!" He says. "Uh! Hy!" Replies my char "You're a... Key?" "Do I look like a Jay?" "Nope! What do you want?" "If you wish to proceed you'll need me!" And he slips in the inventory.
Few steps later I reached a double door with a female face (lipstick, eyeshadow and a crown on the top), a big keyhole in the middle and two canine guards sleeping on her sides. Mr. Key popped out and said:"Here we go guys!". But then the door replied:"Oh no! You don't! GUAAAARDS!" And the sleeping dogs woke up, grabbed my chars, slipped then into a cannon and shooted 'em far away. "Ohi! Ohi! Guys! Looks like it was not so easy!" Said Mr. Key after the rude landing "We need to find a way to prevent her from waking her guards!".
Then after a long search I found a telescope, a rifle and a barrel of chewingum. I assembled them and obtained a chewingum rifle sight. So, guessing what I had to do, I walked forward the royal door, keeping myself at distance, and, aiming through the telescope, I shooted at her. As I guesse The gum projectile splatted all over the mouth. "Mmhh!" She exclaimed, widening her eyes in surprise. Then I approached her again and, again, Mr. Key popped out and said:"Here we go guys!". "MMMPHH! MMMPHH!" She answered, squuezing her eyes in effort to scream. But the guards kept sleeping. "Here I come baby!" Said Mr.Key jumping into her keyhole. "MMMMPPHH! MMMMMPHH! MMMMPPHH! MMMMMPHH!" She kept screaming as he was turning. Then, after a jingle, he came... Out and she opened inward., remaining with a dazed expression on both her halves (her eyes were still blinking and her mouth was still gumstuck).
I'm not seriously hoping this will happen in the final game, But it would be awesome. Don't you think?
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Re: Yooka-Laylee (funny dream I had)

Post by Yami »

That's sounds very interesting.
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