Mia Koji/Nasuti (Ronin Warriors/Yoroiden Samurai Troopers)

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Mia Koji/Nasuti (Ronin Warriors/Yoroiden Samurai Troopers)

Post by Jazzypants »

I was saddened by Mia Koji/Nasuti Yagyu's lack of any gags in the anime/OVAs (TECHNICALLY she has one but by the time you see her she's worked it off), so I talked to LoulouVZ and she agreed to fix that for me for a mere $20. Interesting to note: I went back to look over my original email, and at no point had I asked for her to be chairtied. That's just how it turned out and I rolled with it XD). Look ma, it moves again! http://www.fastswf.com/uo5rey8" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

And here's a static image to accompany it...


Hope you enjoy!

EDIT: To further clarify, it's a flash file, so I couldn't just upload it to my Photobucket this time. Not for lack of trying, mind you.
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Re: Mia Koji/Nasuti (Ronin Warriors/Yoroiden Samurai Troope

Post by Trace »

Oh, that's really cute. Thanks for sharing it.
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Re: Mia Koji/Nasuti (Ronin Warriors/Yoroiden Samurai Troope

Post by Momoyoy »

I remember that show. It was my pre-gundam. Ryo was Heero, Kento was my Duo, Sage was my Quatre, and the other two are opened for debate.

I think the closest Mia Koji/Nasuti got to a full treatment in the show was when she was tied up and her gag came off. Maybe i dreamt that.
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Re: Mia Koji/Nasuti (Ronin Warriors/Yoroiden Samurai Troope

Post by Sailornapper »

Remember this one. Still have one dvd of it. Wish had more to check on if she had others. Hmm well she was incased in a frozen waterfall once right?
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