Captured Heroes/Adventurers

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Captured Heroes/Adventurers

Post by ShibaKita »

So was curious if anyone knows about scenes where the whole group of heroes (Basically CID) gets captured mainly by a net.

I know of some thunder cats(posted on my YT Here:" onclick=";return false;) but those are the only ones i've been able to find so far.

Not sure if these types of scenes are rare as its the heroes who usually do the rescuing or it's always targetted to 1 member of the group.

Any help would be awesome :)

Re: Captured Heroes/Adventurers

Post by TheVampirePrincess »

Well, let's see.

In the Kirby Right Back At Ya episode Curio's Curious Discovery, Tiff, Tuff, & Kirby are bound & gagged on a rock.

Also, there are quite a few episodes of Wander Over Yonder where the whole group is captured, those being The Fugitives, The Day/Night, & The Little Guy.

Oh yeah, Hero 108, Frog Castle, First Squad (the main leads) is captured. Note, this show is a GID goldmine.

Plus, here's something from a thread I did:
viewtopic.php?f=19&t=4801" onclick=";return false;

BTW, Main heroes get captured, bound, (& most likely gagged) happen more often than you think. I would list all moments where main leads get full treatments, but then this thread would be too long.
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Re: Captured Heroes/Adventurers

Post by Chris »

Ash .,Misty and Brock often got captured in nets by team rocket
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