Here are a bunch of games i've come across this year with DID, figured I would post them all in one instead of making a bunch of new threads:
First: Call of Duty Advanced warfare, I tried to keep the camera focused on Ilonia as much as possible, happens when your group gets captured after a mission
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Second: Timesplitters, damsel on the track peril and another one where you have to defend a girl while she frees herself from a snare
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Third: Emerald City a puzzle/adventure game has the heroine captured/knocked out right at the start of the game and suspended from a bridge
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Four : Mirrors Edge have to save faith's sister at the end of the game
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Five: Assassins Creed Black Flag, happens to two female pirates that get captured
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The rest are just screencaps/alerts
Just Cause 2 Jade Tan captured on a mission where you have to go rescue you her...she is captured by ninjas
Syndicate Someone who has been helping you gets captured near the end strapped to a metal chair prison thing
Wildstar A mmo that was released this year has a few NPC DID and a lot of player getting knocked out and caged peril, for example one where the party/group gets imprisoned and if you knock on the cell you get electrocuted, you all have to bait the guard to your cell in order to escape.
Thats all I have for now enjoy
If any links dont work let me know
Bunch of Game DID'S
Moderator: Suicide
Re: Bunch of Game DID'S
Thanks for sharing.
Re: Bunch of Game DID'S
neat scenes here, though a shame there's such a serious lack of gags these days