What makes some manipulations look like bad 5 o'clock shadow and others look good enough to lets say activate Trans Am? For comparisons lets look at manips on a girl both FP and SKJ both did a DiD on, Sailor Venus.
http://falsapersona99.deviantart.com/ar ... -255671520" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
http://songokussjsannin8000.deviantart. ... -409321158" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Now while both use the standard gray tape gag, it is easy to see a contrast between the two: FP uses a heavy amount of light reflection a shine to give the gag while SKJ uses wrinkle marks to form imprints around the lips. Each of gag manip has both elements, but one element dominates another. Both gags look like they have tear marks on the sides. With that said, look back at Hypercat-Z's quick manips. They look natural like FP and SKJ's works, but have neither heavy light reflection or lines or even tear marks, just straight up and smooth. With that in mind I decided to compare his style with theirs and noticed there were a few similarities aside from actual lip sealing: all of the manipulation space is within the lines of the face, there is a curve on the horizontal lines that is sent down to cover both the chin and below the nose similar to a U, the end points go to at least the outer sides of the eyes, the nose line is never touched on, and most importantly the gag's structure does not look like it was spray painted or has block-like remnants in MS Paint. Conclusion: For basic manip rules it is advised that you set a frame not composed of blocky lines, make sure the gag's colors are all inside that frame, have the ends of the gag slightly higher up than where the lips are covered to give a U-esque shape, and you do not have the frame or colors go beyond the jaw space.
But enough of me having weird ass theories, what in your opinion makes good ones and other thoughts of this do you have?