Mass effect

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Mass effect

Post by erikson »

Jack and Aria are cellmates, hijinks ensue


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Neo Juste Belmont
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Re: Mass effect

Post by Neo Juste Belmont »

Guess somebody did ****ed with Aria. Or soon-to-be-****ed. Along with Jack.
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Re: Mass effect

Post by Miho »

nice, though they're two of my least favorite female characters from ME1 and ME2, can't help but like all that detail you put into it, very intricate chairs and bonds, not really my type of binding there, but you obviously put a lot of work into it, and I'm always a fan. wonder what the story is supposed to be for this scenario, or if it has one. seen this pairing in distress before by Piroro, in chairs once again, seemed kind of a random pairing unless it was a 'rough, tough, aggressive chick pic' or scenario, or something along those lines. anyhow, still great work
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