Cage did

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Cage did

Post by Chris »

Does any here like cage damsels

That is the damsel is captured but without restrained them they put them in like a cage like jail instead

for example the rat king to april o neil in enter the rat king or a couple of penny scenes if you like I can give links

I know they not bondage but it differently a different sort of did and was curious to know anyones thogush also the inspector gadget dvd is on amazon really cheeply
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Re: Cage did

Post by Suicide »

I find them to be especially disappointing unless the damsel is tied IN the cage. It can greatly enhance a bondage situation but as a full DiD they leave me wanting more restraint.
Posts: 608
Joined: May 28th, 2011, 8:52 pm

Re: Cage did

Post by Chris »

this is what I meant by cage

inspector gadget

the boat" onclick=";return false;

quizz master not exactly a cage but somethin simlae" onclick=";return false;

inspecot rgadget saves cghristms" onclick=";return false;

gagdet and the gadgetinis" onclick=";return false;

enter the rat king" onclick=";return false;

not sure if there are any others but those are the best examples I can comne up if you can give others links I be thanksful
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