Cartoon Villainess character traits

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Cartoon Villainess character traits

Post by Yami »

Here is a bit of my theory on what makes a Cartoon Villainess.

One thing you ever notices that some of these cartoon villainesses always seem to have like pointy cheeks? Like little tiny triangles seems to stick out to the sides of their faces that gives them kind of a boney face expression.

Next most villainesses always have the icy cold stares, you know that cold look that give that sends chills up your spine so emotionless you wonder if you prick them do they bleed? I mean they just look so evil with those evil glares.

Also with some villainesses with class they always dress like they are going to the opera with long opera gloves, some fur coats or those fur boas around their necks, high heels, and most of them wear like blood-red color silk dresses, and some smoke those long black cigarette holders...which admittaly it's kind of a turn on for me.

Also they are super intellengent they are not like some male villains who are bumblers or idiots the cartoon villainess is always super smart and intelligent, if only they would use their brains for good instead of evil.

Some of them are super tough like military tough, mistresses of hand-to-hand combat and not to mention deadly aims. So be warn some of them are armed, dangerious, and sexy.

The most common trait with a cartoon villainess is lust, they always use their beauties and charms and not to mention sexual features to get what they want and when they want it. But mostly because they know that most of us guys NEED it.

Well that's my theory on Cartoon Villainesses not sure if you guys agreed with me or not.
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