Stan Lee skips Guardians of the Galaxy cameo

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Stan Lee skips Guardians of the Galaxy cameo

Post by erikson » ... s-why.html" onclick=";return false;

"I'm not even sure who they all are."

I thought that was hilarious. XD Seems Stan the Man hasn't been keeping up with the House of Ideas all these years.
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Re: Stan Lee skips Guardians of the Galaxy cameo

Post by Sailornapper »

Hmm well easily think this

Groot - when in tiny form looks like the talking onion mascot of Magiranger easily confusing

Drax - probably remembers his Mega buff muscle bound purple clad, lil skull and green skin no tribal tats look. (Like myself)

Gamora - eeh actually only one do know.

Rocket Racoon - Talking animal that isn't playing cute (and would skin puss n boots for fun)

Starlord - know nothing on myself.

Though if based all in space how would it work is the big question to have a Stan Kee, his Eternian GOD self? Yes that is what I.said Stan the GOD as in Thee code in Eternian lore. Hey go pick up / look up Standor if want proof.
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